Secure Your Tent: Let Water Take the Strain Thumbnail

Secure Your Tent: Let Water Take the Strain

Campsite selections chosen from the glossy pages of a magazine do not necessarily paint the full glamorous picture of the adventure you are about to embark on, or the nightmare. And something as "trivial" as the texture of the earth upon which we perch our "mobile" home can make or break the relationship between canvas and human as swiftly as it takes to say "It's too hard." Armed and Ready We a

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Camping for Geeks: How to Survive the Outdoors Thumbnail

Camping for Geeks: How to Survive the Outdoors

If you are a geek like me then you love all your gadgets, your iPhone, 42” LED TV and all the luxuries of today’s life. As the summer approaches you’re asked to go camping. "Great," you think, " let’s go out and pretend to be in the 19th century for a while." We live in the 21st century, so why should I want to spend several days somewhere far out without Twitter, Facebook and my

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Camping in Romania: Don’t Forget the Camping Essentials Thumbnail

Camping in Romania: Don’t Forget the Camping Essentials

I live in Romania, to be more specific Transylvania. It's a beautiful location full of mountains, plains and hills. I don't want to bore you with details about the beautiful green grass in the summer or the pure white snow in the winter. It's a great place, and I live right in the middle of it. A few days ago I and some friends decided to pick up our bikes and go camping in a forest nearby. I took

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Camping Jokes
Humorous Camping Jokes Part 2 Thumbnail

Humorous Camping Jokes Part 2

Below are some more humorous camping  jokes for you to enjoy and share with your fellow campers. The jokes were found on the internet and the authors are unknown. Have a good laugh! Smart Pills One morning, a father and his young son were in the forest hunting rabbits. After about an hour, they finally came across some rabbit tracks. In between the tracks, there were these little round brown pe

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Love-Hate Relationship With Camping Thumbnail

Love-Hate Relationship With Camping

I have a love-hate relationship with camping. There are so many aspects which I dislike: the constant closeness that you have with members of your family, the mile long walks to the toilet in the middle of the night, the fact that you wake up cold no matter how snug you were when you drifted off to sleep, the unwavering ability to hear everything that is going on in the campsite at every time of t

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The Day the World Ended Thumbnail

The Day the World Ended

In the summer of 1972, my two sisters and I were three wily adolescent girls, all on the brink of trouble. So our father, Eugene Porter, dragged us camping to the most remote spot that he could find – the Gila Wilderness in western New Mexico. Daddy struck camp there and we found ourselves stuck out there for two weeks in the middle of a glorious nowhere with our tent-loving, bean-cooking, story

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Camping Mishaps on Lake Garda, Italy Thumbnail

Camping Mishaps on Lake Garda, Italy

This is a guest post by Lucia, a keen traveller and first time family camper. She is also aspiring to start her own family travel blog. Have a chuckle and share in common events that take place on Lucia's first family camping experience in Italy. During the school holidays I went on my first camping trip with my husband, my two children and my rabid dog to the beautiful Lake Garda in Italy. Whi

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How to Clean a Fish When Camping Thumbnail

How to Clean a Fish When Camping

This is part two on How to Clean a Fish When Camping. This section mainly covers how to descale, gut and prepare your fish for cooking. If you missed part one on "What You Need to Clean Your Fish" you can read it here. De-Slime Your Fish It’s important to clean and prepare the fish for cooking shortly after being caught so as to maintain its freshness. First wash off the layer of slime on the

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