Tips to Organize Your Maps When Backpacking Thumbnail

Tips to Organize Your Maps When Backpacking

I love back-packing long distance trails, but what a lot of maps to carry!  Two years ago I plotted my own ‘Coast to Coast’ route from Southport to Scarborough in England.  I needed eleven Ordnance Survey Explorer maps to cover the 200 mile walk. It goes without saying, if your maps are disorganized the maps won't help you they will hinder you. Here are my tips to organize your maps when bac

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Should Camping be Free? Thumbnail

Should Camping be Free?

Should Camping Be Free? Benefits & Downsides of Free Campsites Every avid camper knows about those secret, free campsites. I am sure you know what I am talking about. When my girlfriend and I traveled through Australia we got a thrill out of spotting a nice free campsite somewhere. With a campervan it was easy to just ‘hide’ somewhere in a parking lot or some national park. Some state

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Backpacking and Camping Alone can be Inspiring Thumbnail

Backpacking and Camping Alone can be Inspiring

I do like being in company, but sometimes backpacking and camping alone with the wonderful solitude of  your temporary home on your back can be so inspiring. Especially if you are in an area of fantastic beauty that you have never visited before. The joy of walking early, looking out of the tent to see the mist-covered mountains or lakes. To put your face in the icy water from the local stream an

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On the USA Border Thumbnail

On the USA Border

In 2007, I had the pleasure of working for the Southwest Conservation Corps, based out of Tucson, Arizona USA. For three whole months I worked and camped throughout the Arizona desert on the USA border. Our small team of eight people would pitch tents for 12 day stints. We got to learn a lot about each other, ourselves, and the harsh, yet beautiful, desert during that time. Discarded Past, Hopes

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My Tip to Prevent Mosquitoes Thumbnail

My Tip to Prevent Mosquitoes

What could you do this summer? A trip to Sardinia, Italy maybe. A beautiful country, great weather, clear seas. The camping there is quite straightforward. You could even do the same as I did. Perfection is Bliss You could arrive at the campsite and find the perfect spot. It’s quiet, the neighbors are not exactly next-door, and the toilet is far away enough not to smell, but close enough for a

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Camping Omelettes Thumbnail

Camping Omelettes

Are you tired of cold cereal when camping? Do cracked eggs crack you up? My tip for you covers both problems in such an easy way. Make camping omelettes, but prepare them at home. What You Need to Prepare Omelettes at Home: Eggs Cheese Use Veggies and Ingredients such as: Mushrooms Green Peppers Onions Salt and Pepper *or whatever you like to put in your omelettes. Directio

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Camping in Murree, Pakistan Thumbnail

Camping in Murree, Pakistan

If you live in North America or elsewhere in the world you might never think to go camping in Pakistan or never know that people in Pakistan enjoy camping as a leisure activity. In fact Pakistan is a beautiful country with incredible landscapes where you can camp. I often go camping in Muree, Pakistan with my family. Yes, Pakistan is not always the easiest place to camp, but, with my advice below,

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Garlic: The Ultimate Camping Bloodsucker Repellent Thumbnail

Garlic: The Ultimate Camping Bloodsucker Repellent

Garlic has always been recognized in myth, folklore and in Hollywood as being one of the key required ingredients to repel bloodsucking vampires.  It just may be that, hidden in all the fiction is a small grain (or even clove), of fact. It just so happens that, garlic is an insect repellant. You're On The Menu Wherever you camp in the world, living under canvas inevitably attracts uninvited gue

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