2024 March

How to Choose a Sleeping Bag Thumbnail

How to Choose a Sleeping Bag

CampTrip is happy to present to you a complete guide on how to choose a sleeping bag! How did the brilliantly simple product "the sleeping bag" ever get so complex? Now a days when you look to buy a sleeping bag you need to know what features you are looking for in a sleeping bag. Features? I thought it was a bag to sleep in? Well yes, but there is more to a sleeping bag then you may think.

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Camping Jokes
Humorous Camping Jokes Thumbnail

Humorous Camping Jokes

Below are some humorous camping  jokes for you to enjoy and share with your fellow campers. The jokes were found on the internet and the authors are unknown. Have a good laugh! Setting Up Camp The loaded mini-van pulled into the only remaining campsite. Four children leaped from the vehicle and began feverishly unloading gear and setting up the tent. The boys rushed to gather firewood, while th

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Camping Doesn’t Have to Include an Uncomfortable Sleep Thumbnail

Camping Doesn’t Have to Include an Uncomfortable Sleep

Have you ever heard the saying "you can't have your cake and eat it too"?  Well, I like to think that I can.  Most people accept the fact that camping lacks a lot of the luxuries that we are used to at home. After all, that very fact is what makes camping so special. However, I have figured out a way to balance both, at least in regards to sleeping. Camping doesn't have to include an uncomfortab

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Camping Jokes
Funny Camping Jokes Thumbnail

Funny Camping Jokes

Here are some funny camping jokes for you to chuckle at and share with your fellow campers. All jokes were found via the internet and have unknown authors unless stated. Enjoy! Funny Camping Jokes Take this simple test to see if you qualify for solo camping. Shine a flashlight into one ear. If the beam shines out the other ear, do not go into the woods alone. Get even with a bear who raid

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How to Waterproof Matches Thumbnail

How to Waterproof Matches

There are several “do-it-yourself” ways on how to waterproof matches. Here are some household items you can use to easily waterproof your matches before hitting the outdoors. It is important to have a reliable fire starter when camping otherwise you could be left out in the cold. Ingredients to Waterproof your Matches Paraffin Wax Candles Turpentine Nail Polish Waterproofing –

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Camping Matches and Alternatives Thumbnail

Camping Matches and Alternatives

It’s almost a given – if you’re going camping you’re going to make a campfire. For many campers who aren’t seasoned hands at the whole “outdoors” experience, building and making a fire can seem like a daunting task. And even if you’ve had a few times to practice (or at least read up on the task), there’s still the matter of lighting it successfully. How are you going to do that i

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If Camping: Leave Your Heels at Home Thumbnail

If Camping: Leave Your Heels at Home

It has been nearly forty-five years since my first and only camping trip, but I remember it as if it were yesterday! My best camping tip would be, if camping: leave your heels at home! I had been invited by a very special young man and his parents. All I had ever known about camping was that there were no showers - and that there were plenty of bugs! I accepted the invitation and immediately bega

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How to Get in Shape for Camping Season Thumbnail

How to Get in Shape for Camping Season

Before this "how-to" lesson on fitness begins, we need to clear up a few things. Firstly, different people are at different stages of exercising; and second, different exercises have different effects on people. In this article "How to Get in Shape for Camping Season," you will learn the importance of cardiovascular and aerobic health. If you're not in top condition in these areas it will be hard

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