2024 April

Camping In the Back Garden – Well, Almost… Thumbnail

Camping In the Back Garden – Well, Almost…

Camping in the back garden with your mates may not sound very scary but wait until you try it... "Turn the light on! Turn the light on now!" It was Emma's first time camping and so far, it wasn't going too well. Unfortunately the garden light turned on when there was a movement and every 2 minutes it would switch off. After 5 seconds of hysterical screaming she would jump out of the tent and st

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Happy Camping Thumbnail

Happy Camping

A very wise George Washing Carver once said , 'I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.' It's the time of the year when the air becomes crisp, the sky displays a deep, powder blue colour and the rays of sunlight that settle on our faces warms the skin more than it does at any other time of the year. Th

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Planning a Camping Trip in Western Australia Thumbnail

Planning a Camping Trip in Western Australia

As with any major holiday, planning is a crucial step in ensuring that your camping trip will go off without hardship. When we made our own four month camp trip endeavor by campervan, covering over 15.000 km from Darwin to Sydney. We encountered several moments when our up-front planning helped us out. Planning a Budget Camping Trip in Australia: Don't be put-off; we didn't write a 40 page itine

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Pitch Imperfect: The Wrong Place to Pitch Your Tent Thumbnail

Pitch Imperfect: The Wrong Place to Pitch Your Tent

Camping! Much like purchasing real estate, the three most important things are location, location and location. I learned this the hard way. It was about five years ago now, although my therapist remembers it as if it was yesterday. I'm a single dad with five children to entertain each summer. They had been nagging away at me for a couple of years to go camping and, having run out of excuses, I

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Yoga for Camping Thumbnail

Yoga for Camping

Whether you have an inflatable Therm-A-Rest, a Ridge Rest sleeping pad, or a bed of moss, chances are you are going to wake up from a night under the stars with some cricks and cranks in your neck and back. But before you sling your backpack over your shoulders for a long day of hiking, try a couple of these easy yoga poses to ease tension and support a healthier body while camping.  In doing

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How to Camp With a Baby Thumbnail

How to Camp With a Baby

Many of us have warm memories of childhood camping holidays with our parents and siblings. As well as being relaxed, there was always a sense of liberty, adventure and of being one with nature. We never doubted that we would have anything other than a happy vacation, but now that we are grown up and have families of our own, many of us shrink at the idea of sleeping under the stars with our own li

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Camping Food Checklist Thumbnail

Camping Food Checklist

Food, Food, and Only Food (now that’s what I like to hear!) Checklist Here is a detailed checklist of all the food you could possible think to bring while camping! Obviously you should not bring all these items, just the ones you think you'll use. This camping food checklist is meant to be a guide in to help you pack and prepare. Read more on Camping Food Preparation. Camping Food Che

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Camping Food Preparation Thumbnail

Camping Food Preparation

There are some important things you need to take into consideration while preparing your camping food list. How long are you going to be camping: Your camping food list should ideally include foods that would stay fresh for a while. Make a meal plan: You'll bring a lot less with you if you've planned out ahead of time what you'll be eating each day. Can you do some food preparation at home

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