2024 June

Camping Alphabet Thumbnail

Camping Alphabet

Camping for some can just seem like too much bother, so much to do and the worry that it will not be done in the right way!... Well if I can do it then anyone can! Check out my 'camping alphabet' below for some great tips, ideas and articles that will help you get the best from your camptrips. Happy camping! A is for ACTIVITIES! There is so much to do during a camping trip, trust me, ther

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Campsite Catering: Keeping Healthy With Campfire Cooking Thumbnail

Campsite Catering: Keeping Healthy With Campfire Cooking

Who says campsite food has to be unhealthy? While most of us associate campfire food with roasted marshmallows and tasty sausages, it’s possible to stick to strict diets and healthy eating habits even when you’re in the wilderness. Figuring out what to pack for a camping trip is always a challenge, particularly if you’re planning to cook your own meals. It’s easy to rely on instant nood

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The Not So Great Outdoors Thumbnail

The Not So Great Outdoors

A few years ago, my girlfriend Sally and I decided to go on a weekend camping break to the the Forest of Dean. We had seen it featured in the film 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' and thought it seemed like somewhere we would enjoy exploring. Our trip started well. The late summer weather was beautiful, the early morning drive down to Gloucestershire was straightforward and the campsite �

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Romance in Camp Thumbnail

Romance in Camp

It would be fair to say that my love affair with camping is still going strong since my first trip when I fell tent, pole and zipper! Spending a few nights in the great outdoors, cuddling up next to a campfire with the one you love is a surefire way to put a spark into any relationship. With Valentines day just around the corner, why not add some romance in camp? Maybe you are wondering how on

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Camping in Canada Thumbnail

Camping in Canada

Canada is a campers paradise in both winter and summer and its wild, beautiful terrains will should appeal to all adventurous campers and backpackers. With an extensive range of campsites and budget hostels from coast to coast, camping in Canada is both affordable and safe, certainly in comparison to its Southern counterpart, the United States. And with a population spread so sparsely across the

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Stay Healthy While Camping Thumbnail

Stay Healthy While Camping

The temptation to live on junk food and tinned food when you go camping is often to great to resist. When many camping stoves and their gasses can strip the waterproof covering from your tent and you were probably awake half the night because of the unusual environment, you probably don't really feel like cooking anything healthy. But it is in fact very easy to stay healthy while camping. One t

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In The Rain Thumbnail

In The Rain

I am not a camping person. That is not surprising seeing that I am much closer now to senility than I am to adolescence. The trouble is, I never was a camping person. That however, did not deter me from joining a group of 'friends' who were attending a Fleadh Cheoil in Gorey, Co. Wexford at a time when I had as much money as sense -which was none of either! We arrived in the town on a wet, clam

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Tips for Lightweight Camping Thumbnail

Tips for Lightweight Camping

I recently completed a four day solo camping trip in Finnish Lapland, just north of the Arctic Circle. My complete outfit weighed twenty-nine pounds. I know there are ultralight campers who carry even less, but in my experience, most people take far too much and there really is no need to. Here are some tips for lightweight camping which come from my own personal experience. Get a modern tent.�

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