2024 June

Hiking Las Vegas: Leave the Buffets and Blackjack and Head for the Hills! Thumbnail

Hiking Las Vegas: Leave the Buffets and Blackjack and Head for the Hills!

Las Vegas is known for its bustling “Strip,” perhaps the most famous (and infamous) swath of hotels, casinos and bars in the world. The glitz, glam and grit of Vegas are intriguing and exciting, and there are endless round-the-clock opportunities for tourists to indulge and explore. When you stay at a Las Vegas hotel, your experience can be an action-filled adventure. When the sights and sound

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Using a Rock for Fishing Bait Thumbnail

Using a Rock for Fishing Bait

Most parents know that when you go camping at a lake there will be fishing involved. On one of our camping trips to Lake Don Pedro, my husband and I, along with our two sons decided to walk down to lake to do some fishing. It was a warm sunny day with a nice breeze blowing. We settled in our lawn chairs and prepared to catch that big bass. After about twenty mintues of fishing and not

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How to Climb Kilimanjaro Thumbnail

How to Climb Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro is Africa’s highest mountain, standing at 5,895 metres, 19,341 feet above sea level. It is comprised of three distinct peaks (Shira, Kibo and Mawenzi) of which Uhuru Peak is the highest point on the crater rim of Kibo. Kilimanjaro is a huge stratovolcano. Kibo is dormant while the other two cones are extinct. Climbing any high altitude mountain is a serious undertaking and care shou

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5 Common Camping Injuries and Treatment Options Thumbnail

5 Common Camping Injuries and Treatment Options

Camping can be an enriching and delightful experience spent alone or with family. Despite the benefits of spending a few days outdoors, eating off the land (if possible), and sleeping outside, you can easily injure yourself in minor and severe ways. When planning and packing for a camping trip you must prepare for the possible common injuries and treatment. Prior to packing for the trip, it’s a

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When Cows Attack! Thumbnail

When Cows Attack!

Convinced Martians had landed, as something tried to eat my tent at five in the morning, I realised that five very large cows were attacking... "In true Brit fashion I charged. Yelling threats like "Shoo!" and "Go away,'' They ignored me. It was obvious I didn't speak cow language. The tent was looking decidedly weak as a brown and white cow trod on the bottom of the door. I courageously push

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What NOT to do When You Are Camping Thumbnail

What NOT to do When You Are Camping

There are a lot of ways to ruin a good camping trip. And it's even easier to ruin the great outdoors for others. To ensure a happy, safe and stress free camp trip, here's what NOT to do when you are camping! Never leave food out!  Foxes, birds, rabbits and creepy crawlies would just love to share the delicious food you bring to the campsite. It is best to keep all food in air tight storage

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Don’t Get Bored in the Great Outdoors! Thumbnail

Don’t Get Bored in the Great Outdoors!

"But Mum, what are we going to do all day?" The first time I told my girls that we were going to stay in a field for a week and sleep in a tent, their initial reply in unison was: 'But Mum, what are we going to do all day? There are so many things to do while you are camping and with a little imagination and a lot of energy you can have a jam-packed nature-filled camp trip... we do! Here are so

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