
Camping: What is Camping? Types of Camping? About Sleeping Bags…These camping questions will be answered here. Plus we’ve added an entertaining bonus, camping jokes and camping poems!

Camping is a form of outdoor recreation. It has been a favorite activity for many outdoor enthusiasts and families since the 1950’s. Camping is something that any person or group of people can easily take part in. Going camping is an outdoor activity one can do anywhere and on any budget. Unlike most recreational activities and holidays camping is one that does not have to cost a lot of money and can end up being the most inspirational and enjoyable experience. Camping is all about getting back to the basics, getting out amoungst nature and appreciating all the outdoors have to offer.
If you have never experienced camping I strongly recommend you get out there and give it a try! I can gaurentee you will learn or take away something positive from your camping experience!

Campervan Preparations Thumbnail

Campervan Preparations

If you own a camper and are going to pull it on vacation to your favorite camping destination, you should prepare for the trip so you aren't surprised by a break-down or find that you're short of supplies. Here are some campervan preparations I use to ensure I'm all ready to go! Prepare with a Checklist One of the best ways I have found is to make a checklist and use it just as a pilot would bef

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Camping in Maryland During Hurricane Season Thumbnail

Camping in Maryland During Hurricane Season

My husband and I decided to go on an extended trip, camping in Maryland for vacation. We went camping near Upper Marlboro, Maryland, not realizing that it was hurricane season. My husband was informed by the camp office staff that there would be a hurricane passing through the area within the next few hours. They suggested that all campers in the higher ground area move their trailers to the local

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Tips to Organize Your Maps When Backpacking Thumbnail

Tips to Organize Your Maps When Backpacking

I love back-packing long distance trails, but what a lot of maps to carry!  Two years ago I plotted my own ‘Coast to Coast’ route from Southport to Scarborough in England.  I needed eleven Ordnance Survey Explorer maps to cover the 200 mile walk. It goes without saying, if your maps are disorganized the maps won't help you they will hinder you. Here are my tips to organize your maps when bac

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Should Camping be Free? Thumbnail

Should Camping be Free?

Should Camping Be Free? Benefits & Downsides of Free Campsites Every avid camper knows about those secret, free campsites. I am sure you know what I am talking about. When my girlfriend and I traveled through Australia we got a thrill out of spotting a nice free campsite somewhere. With a campervan it was easy to just ‘hide’ somewhere in a parking lot or some national park. Some state

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Backpacking and Camping Alone can be Inspiring Thumbnail

Backpacking and Camping Alone can be Inspiring

I do like being in company, but sometimes backpacking and camping alone with the wonderful solitude of  your temporary home on your back can be so inspiring. Especially if you are in an area of fantastic beauty that you have never visited before. The joy of walking early, looking out of the tent to see the mist-covered mountains or lakes. To put your face in the icy water from the local stream an

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Camper/RV Inspections Thumbnail

Camper/RV Inspections

I have always loved camping and when I retired, I bought a new pull type camper and a large truck. My wife and I started out on our camping voyage and were happy as a lark. We were going out west because we live in Tennessee and were looking forward to another beautiful place. We put everything in the camper that we thought we would need for the trip.  We were planning on staying about 3 weeks on

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Camping: Horse Flies, Cows and Cous Cous! Thumbnail

Camping: Horse Flies, Cows and Cous Cous!

So my story begins in the beautiful surroundings of the Lake District, Cumbria, England. I had embarked on a 4 day camping expedition over the rolling hills and steep mountains of the English countryside, to complete The Duke of Edinburgh Award. My Tips for Camping in the Lake District: Horse Flies and Other Lovely Insects There are a few things you should know before you go on a camping trip,

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Types of Camping Tents Thumbnail

Types of Camping Tents

An important step in knowing what kind of camping tent is right for you is knowing what types of camping tents are out there. Below are some descriptions of some of the more popular camping tents. (more…)

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