
Camping: What is Camping? Types of Camping? About Sleeping Bags…These camping questions will be answered here. Plus we’ve added an entertaining bonus, camping jokes and camping poems!

Camping is a form of outdoor recreation. It has been a favorite activity for many outdoor enthusiasts and families since the 1950’s. Camping is something that any person or group of people can easily take part in. Going camping is an outdoor activity one can do anywhere and on any budget. Unlike most recreational activities and holidays camping is one that does not have to cost a lot of money and can end up being the most inspirational and enjoyable experience. Camping is all about getting back to the basics, getting out amoungst nature and appreciating all the outdoors have to offer.
If you have never experienced camping I strongly recommend you get out there and give it a try! I can gaurentee you will learn or take away something positive from your camping experience!

Choosing the Right RV Thumbnail

Choosing the Right RV

Technically speaking, the RV (recreational vehicle) needs wheels to be considered a real RV. So tents don't cut the custard. Which RV is For You? Big decision.  To find an answer, first check the pocketbook or cash on hand.  Empty pocketbook or no cash on hand…no problem.  Mortgage the house to the hilt.  Go for the gusto. Match your needs to the vehicle.  There are so many of them to

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Camping Tent Features Thumbnail

Camping Tent Features

Here are some basic camping tent features (with descriptions) to look out for when finding a good camping tent. (more…)

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How to Choose a Camping Tent Thumbnail

How to Choose a Camping Tent

No tent is built alike. At least, it certainly seems that way. There are countless types of tents to choose from, each with its own unique features and functions. Choosing the right tent for your camp trip can become overwhelming, even for an experienced camper. Every camper has different needs, so having set requirements in mind when making your tent purchase will ensure that you buy the best one. Ho

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Guide to RVing: Camping After Retirement Thumbnail

Guide to RVing: Camping After Retirement

When we retired on Canada’s west coast and we were looking at inexpensive vacation ideas, my son mentioned tent trailers. My initial reaction was…. “I’m not going under canvas again at my age!” This all changed when I finally stuck my head inside a new tent trailer unit. You could almost live full-time in one nowadays. You have a furnace, fridge, stove; running water, electricity and curtains fo

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Snow Way! Thumbnail

Snow Way!

Winter can sometimes be a bit depressing, what with all the cold dark days and pouring rain...(especially if you live in the UK!)  I thought everyone could do with some cheering up! So with the freezing temperatures on the way and snowflakes on my mind, I have put together some interesting facts about snow, ice and all things chilly!... Snuggle up, enjoy and keep warm guys! Most snowflakes are six-s

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When the Camping Season’s Over Thumbnail

When the Camping Season’s Over

My tent is now in storage, carefully packed away, The outdoor nylon shelter lives to see another day! Now the camping season's over and the winter nights draw in, The guy ropes, pegs and mallet; cleaned and dried, stored in a tin. I begin to think of next year and the adventures I will have, New places I will find to camp, with the help of my Sat Nav! Campsites across the country I have yet to explo

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How to..., RV Camping
How to Change a Flat Tyre Thumbnail

How to Change a Flat Tyre

Maybe you've already experienced that dreaded moment when you realise one of your tyres is completely flat but you were lucky enough to find someone that knew how to change the tyre. What if you weren't so fortunate to have a handy jack of all trades in the near vicinity and you had to deal with the problem on your own? Would that be the end? Or, would you come out triumphant and tell everyone of your heroic

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Top Travel Tips for Long Trips Thumbnail

Top Travel Tips for Long Trips

Have you ever wanted to just pack up and set off to a faraway place with sun, sea and sand, breathtaking views and endless places to explore? If you are lucky enough to be able to take a year out to travel, there are many things to take into account, weather it be driving to France or Spain or travelling around Europe! This guide will help you through the main points of planning and funding your long-ter

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