21 Useful Camping Supplies You Don’t Want to Forget
How many times have you gone camping and set up camp only to realize you had forgotten something small, but significant? No more! Here's a list of camping supplies to remember, that are commonly forgotten. What I like to do is have a large plastic Tupper-ware box where I store all these camping supplies. It keeps everything together and ready for the next camping trip. If I use up a particula
Continue Reading3 Camping Supplies to Never go Without
So, you’re all packed and ready to go. Nice, new and shiny camping equipment, prim and proper backpacks and a fresh, crisp map waiting to be unfolded and explored. What could be missing? With all the right camping equipment you’ll manage fine, but you might want to note a little advice from someone who was brought up on camping. I have traipsed around Europe, America, the Far East and Au
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In some of my favorite stories, the characters embark on daring hikes into the woods to keep the plot thick. On many such occasions the protagonist will pack a few items into a bag and set off quickly for adventure. Often, not much more is said about the hike except to describe a particularly beautiful setting or an encounter with a vicious beast. The character will collect nuts, berries, and fung
Continue ReadingCamping Doesn’t Have to Include an Uncomfortable Sleep
Have you ever heard the saying "you can't have your cake and eat it too"? Well, I like to think that I can. Most people accept the fact that camping lacks a lot of the luxuries that we are used to at home. After all, that very fact is what makes camping so special. However, I have figured out a way to balance both, at least in regards to sleeping. Camping doesn't have to include an uncomfortab
Continue ReadingIf Camping: Leave Your Heels at Home
It has been nearly forty-five years since my first and only camping trip, but I remember it as if it were yesterday! My best camping tip would be, if camping: leave your heels at home! I had been invited by a very special young man and his parents. All I had ever known about camping was that there were no showers - and that there were plenty of bugs! I accepted the invitation and immediately bega
Continue ReadingHow to Get in Shape for Camping Season
Before this "how-to" lesson on fitness begins, we need to clear up a few things. Firstly, different people are at different stages of exercising; and second, different exercises have different effects on people. In this article "How to Get in Shape for Camping Season," you will learn the importance of cardiovascular and aerobic health. If you're not in top condition in these areas it will be hard
Continue ReadingHow to Go Camping With a Reluctant Partner
My camping days began when I was seven years old, with a musty old frame tent and weather so cold the liquid gas bottles froze solid. I was not deterred; I went to the USA with Camp America when I was in my teens. I hiked up mountains with sleeping bags in backpacks and didn’t miss my hairdryer at all. So, when my children were born, I expected them to be able to enjoy the freedom and excitement
Continue ReadingPoem: Summer’s Coming
Summer's coming Pre planning Site booking Rucksack packing Tent Erecting Level pegging Summer's coming Alfresco dining Charcoal sizzling Man does cooking! Burger burning Mouth watering Summer's coming Ice cream melting Lager warming Salad eating Water running Evaporating Summer's coming Boot lacing Trail Trekking Shirt unbuttoning Anti-bug spraying Always perspiring Sum
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