Posts written by Camping Contest Entry

Budget Camping: Recession-Proof Vacation Thumbnail

Budget Camping: Recession-Proof Vacation

Camping is one of the most fun, memorable, and inexpensive trips you can take. Get away from the rush of the big city and the costs of amusement parks or expensive flights and spend some quality time with loved ones in the woods. The following are some ways to go budget camping, helping you save money when you go camping with friends, family members, or the love of your life. How to go Budget Cam

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Eight Legged Creeps Thumbnail

Eight Legged Creeps

When I was a little girl, I loved going to camp. There was nothing better than spending a week away from home, sleeping out under the stars, refusing to take a shower, and feeling like an adult without the parents. My mom would send me on my way with my sleeping bag, pillow, and a couple pairs of jeans and t-shirts, and I would come back a week later covered in last Sunday's dirt and good memories

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Oceanside Camping Trip Thumbnail

Oceanside Camping Trip

My family of 5 are avid campers. We go at least five times every summer to the beautiful mountains of North Carolina for a mountain getaway from school and work. This year I had my oldest daughter graduate high school on the same day that my baby girl turned 13 and I wanted to do something special for this auspicious occasion. I made the mistake of asking the family what they wanted to do to cele

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Stay Healthy While Camping Thumbnail

Stay Healthy While Camping

The temptation to live on junk food and tinned food when you go camping is often to great to resist. When many camping stoves and their gasses can strip the waterproof covering from your tent and you were probably awake half the night because of the unusual environment, you probably don't really feel like cooking anything healthy. But it is in fact very easy to stay healthy while camping. One t

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In The Rain Thumbnail

In The Rain

I am not a camping person. That is not surprising seeing that I am much closer now to senility than I am to adolescence. The trouble is, I never was a camping person. That however, did not deter me from joining a group of 'friends' who were attending a Fleadh Cheoil in Gorey, Co. Wexford at a time when I had as much money as sense -which was none of either! We arrived in the town on a wet, clam

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Tips for Lightweight Camping Thumbnail

Tips for Lightweight Camping

I recently completed a four day solo camping trip in Finnish Lapland, just north of the Arctic Circle. My complete outfit weighed twenty-nine pounds. I know there are ultralight campers who carry even less, but in my experience, most people take far too much and there really is no need to. Here are some tips for lightweight camping which come from my own personal experience. Get a modern tent.�

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Camping Champion! Thumbnail

Camping Champion!

Kate and I made our merry way to the Petta Fiesta gig in Pettaugh with confidence and excitement. On arrival we found the designated camping area, removed the borrowed and previously unwrapped tent from the carry bag. Once successfully pitched we crawled inside its purple, flower embellished sheets and considered our open mic performance booked for the next day. Here are 10 tips on how to become a

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Camping in Scotland Thumbnail

Camping in Scotland

Many visitors only see the Scottish highlands through the windows of a tourist coach, and might as well be watching television. The only way to really know the country is by putting boot on rock, with your tent on your back. But there are some things you need to know about Camping in Scotland. Legal Unlike England, Scotland has always had a traditional right to roam and this is now enshrined in

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