Murphy’s Laws of Camping: Funny Camping Lessons
Here are some more of the Murphy's Laws of Camping I've found. I’m sure you can relate to some of these common situations. You gotta love camping! Read some of these camping lessons and laugh off the bitter sweet misery that camping always seems to entail. Murphy's Laws of Camping: The need to urinate at night increases in direct relation to the hour past midnight, layers of clothing worn
Continue ReadingFishing Jokes
Below are some Fishing Jokes for you to enjoy and share with your fellow campers or fishermen. The jokes were found on the internet and the authors are unknown. Have a good laugh! Just don't laugh too hard or you'll scare the fish away! You Might be a Fisherman if... You have a photo of your 10 lb. bass on your desk at work instead of your family. You have a power worm dangling from your
Continue ReadingHumorous Camping Jokes Part 2
Below are some more humorous camping jokes for you to enjoy and share with your fellow campers. The jokes were found on the internet and the authors are unknown. Have a good laugh! Smart Pills One morning, a father and his young son were in the forest hunting rabbits. After about an hour, they finally came across some rabbit tracks. In between the tracks, there were these little round brown pe
Continue ReadingCamping as a Budget Hobby
Camping does not have to be expensive! In fact if your camping trips costs more than a destination vacation you are doing something wrong! I recently wrote a guest post for the "Hobbies on a Budget" website. There I shared some of my personal tips and experiences on how to have an inexpensive camping trip full of fun and memories. You can read both of my Camping as a Budget Hobby posts here: Buyin
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CampTrip has complied a list of great camping books for kids and parents. Below are some excellent guide and story books for kids all about camping. These books are great for reading while camping or even if your kids are at home but love camping. Some of these books I read myself as a child, they are classic camping reads! Camping Guides for Kids Have your kids read a book that will give
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Do you have kids that like to keep busy? Or, do you want to keep your kids busy? I have selected some of the best camping and outdoor guide books for kids at the moment! These books are great because they are packed full of fun outdoor information and activities for your child to try. Whether your kids are outdoors camping, in the backyard playing or stuck indoors on a rainy day these books
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Whats better than reading your favorite story characters go camping while you're camping too? Nothing I can think of.... If you are camping with young kids bring along some of these great camping stories for kids to get them enthused about trying the new things that come with camping. Just like their favorite book characters did! These books will bring a bit of familiarity to the whole camp
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What is one of your favorite camping activities? Mine has got to be sitting around the campfire, and I'm sure I'm not alone on that. There is nothing better than cozening up around a blaring campfire with the ones you love while roasting hot dogs, marshmallows and sharing great stories. This campfire time is a great opportunity to talk and share with your kids. But if you want to add to the ex
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