Posts written by Kaitlyn

Camping Guide Books for Parents Thumbnail

Camping Guide Books for Parents

Planning on going camping with kids? Do you want to brush up or learn how to make your camping trip with kids go as smoothly as possible? If so, here is a great list of camping guide books for parents I've found to help you make your and your kids camping experience a success! Babes in the Woods: Hiking, Camping & Boating With Babies and Young Children - Jennifer Aist Babes in the Woods

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Camping Jokes
Humorous Camping Jokes Thumbnail

Humorous Camping Jokes

Below are some humorous camping  jokes for you to enjoy and share with your fellow campers. The jokes were found on the internet and the authors are unknown. Have a good laugh! Setting Up Camp The loaded mini-van pulled into the only remaining campsite. Four children leaped from the vehicle and began feverishly unloading gear and setting up the tent. The boys rushed to gather firewood, while th

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Camping Jokes
Funny Camping Jokes Thumbnail

Funny Camping Jokes

Here are some funny camping jokes for you to chuckle at and share with your fellow campers. All jokes were found via the internet and have unknown authors unless stated. Enjoy! Funny Camping Jokes Take this simple test to see if you qualify for solo camping. Shine a flashlight into one ear. If the beam shines out the other ear, do not go into the woods alone. Get even with a bear who raid

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How to Avoid Ants in Your Camper or RV Thumbnail

How to Avoid Ants in Your Camper or RV

My boyfriend and I recently drove a small campervan through Australia. One thing we learned very quickly into our campervan trip was how to store food properly. If you think you can just stock your camper cupboards like you do at home, think again. Did you know that one of the smallest living creatures on the planet can cause complete havoc? What could possibly cause this terror you ask? Ants. See

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How to Prepare your Kids for Safety Before Camping Thumbnail

How to Prepare your Kids for Safety Before Camping

Before camping most families do not think too much about how to prepare for their child's safety. You are not expected to be prepared for every disaster a child may cook up, but you can prepare or have a plan if something were to go wrong. Here are some safety tips on how to prepare your kids for safety before camping. Locate Medical Help Whether you are camping with kids or not it may be wise t

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How to Prepare your Kids for Safety While Camping Thumbnail

How to Prepare your Kids for Safety While Camping

It is important that your kids understand what camping entails and that, as fun as camping is, it is only fun if everyone stays safe. Camping safety is different than regular house/city safety. Children should be aware of their camping surroundings and shown things which may be new to them. Here are some great tips on how to prepare your kids for safety while camping. Brief your Kids on Wildl

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The Best Camping Gadget: <br />Amazon Kindle Thumbnail

The Best Camping Gadget:
Amazon Kindle

The Amazon Kindle has forever changed the way we read books. If your asking yourself, “What the heck is a Kindle?” don't feel bad. There are still those of us who live under rocks. With all of these new gadgets popping up out of nowhere who can keep up!? The Amazing Amazon Kindle No, the Kindle is not firewood. The Amazon Kindle is a device where you can download up to 3,500 of your favorite

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Top Reasons to go Camping in Spring Thumbnail

Top Reasons to go Camping in Spring

Read my guest post on Camping Blogger for the "Top Reasons to go Camping in Spring" Camping is not just a summer activity! Spring is an ideal time to go camping, so dust off the tent and cooler and get the family outdoors! Spring has arrived! "Top Reasons to go Camping in Spring" Please feel free to add any comments or info in the comment box below. All comments are appreciated. Auth

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