Posts written by Rosie

How to Enjoy Campsite Cooking Thumbnail

How to Enjoy Campsite Cooking

Something magical happens when you are camping, apart from creating lasting memories with family and friends; your appetite grows and your enjoyment of food increases tenfold. It is partly because your senses are aroused by the sounds, smells and sights of the outdoors, but it is also down to the fact that you have escaped the kitchen and therefore, eating simple foods matches your resouces. Yo

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A Dip into Camping Thumbnail

A Dip into Camping

There is a place in the Swiss Alps at 1400 meters of altitude with a lake surrounded by foresty hills and cliffs, Lac Taney. This lake is freezing cold, but after hiking up a very steep mountain for 40 minutes, the first thing we did after putting our camping equipment down was change into our bathing suits and jump into that lake. Our changing room was the backside of a rock that had a 270° view

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When Nature Calls Thumbnail

When Nature Calls

I don't know if you know what a 'SheWee' is, and I'm not quite sure if I have recovered enough to tell you! Try breaking the two syllables down and using a bit of imagination. Well, I can barely bring myself to say this... It was my second morning of trekking in the Indian Himalayas. About twenty four hours since I'd last seen a proper toilet, and I don't know what I had been thinking, but I’d

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Festival Camping Thumbnail

Festival Camping

The festival season is now upon us and with my first ever festival experience fast approaching, I thought I would do some research as to what my friend Lisa and I should expect... The biggest and best festivals always involve camping; so far so good! But be aware, as I have learned, festival camping bears no resemblance to my much loved ordinary leisure camping and if like myself, this is your

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Camping Alphabet Thumbnail

Camping Alphabet

Camping for some can just seem like too much bother, so much to do and the worry that it will not be done in the right way!... Well if I can do it then anyone can! Check out my 'camping alphabet' below for some great tips, ideas and articles that will help you get the best from your camptrips. Happy camping! A is for ACTIVITIES! There is so much to do during a camping trip, trust me, ther

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The Not So Great Outdoors Thumbnail

The Not So Great Outdoors

A few years ago, my girlfriend Sally and I decided to go on a weekend camping break to the the Forest of Dean. We had seen it featured in the film 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' and thought it seemed like somewhere we would enjoy exploring. Our trip started well. The late summer weather was beautiful, the early morning drive down to Gloucestershire was straightforward and the campsite �

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Romance in Camp Thumbnail

Romance in Camp

It would be fair to say that my love affair with camping is still going strong since my first trip when I fell tent, pole and zipper! Spending a few nights in the great outdoors, cuddling up next to a campfire with the one you love is a surefire way to put a spark into any relationship. With Valentines day just around the corner, why not add some romance in camp? Maybe you are wondering how on

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Snow Way! Thumbnail

Snow Way!

Winter can sometimes be a bit depressing, what with all the cold dark days and pouring rain...(especially if you live in the UK!)  I thought everyone could do with some cheering up! So with the freezing temperatures on the way and snowflakes on my mind, I have put together some interesting facts about snow, ice and all things chilly!... Snuggle up, enjoy and keep warm guys! Most snowflake

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