Gear and Equipment

Gear and Equipment: Here are some reviews on camping gear and equipment. These reviews are submitted on particular products from campers and outdoor goer’s just like you. We are looking for the truth and nothing but the truth! We are also looking for the unusual outdoor products that not everyone knows about yet. Some of these genius little additions to camping and the outdoors are real life savers and could help make your next camping trip even better! Read feedback from other campers on specific camping gear and equipment. All you need to know!

The Importance of Good Hiking Shoes Thumbnail

The Importance of Good Hiking Shoes

Quality hiking shoes or boots are one of the best things you can add to your arsenal of camping equipment and gear. I found out first-hand just how important they can be. Below I will share with you the importance of good hiking shoes. Hiking Boots are Called Hiking Boots for a Reason Some friends and I decided that we were going to do a day hike out to the bridge to nowhere in Azusa Canyon, Cal

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Need to Pee While Camping? Use a Traveljohn Urinal Bag Thumbnail

Need to Pee While Camping? Use a Traveljohn Urinal Bag

A Woman's Worst Nightmare: Peeing Outside Many women get anxious about camping because they worry about how they will manage a night-time visit to the toilet. If you are pregnant or menopausal this is a real anxiety. While many campsites have toilet blocks, those who prefer more wild camping are at a disadvantage if they need to go to the toilet during the night. Apart from the weather (who wants

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Vaude Ultra Light Air Mattress Review Thumbnail

Vaude Ultra Light Air Mattress Review

If you’re going on a camping trip it is VERY important to pack light! One of the things that takes up room and weighs a lot is an air mattress. Here I will share my Vaude Ultra Light Air Mattress Review: The Vaude Ultra Light Air Mattress: A Great Buy A "Vaude Ultra Light Air Mattress" is lightweight and can be folded up very small. It weighs only 17 ounces, yet it is still as comfortable as a

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How To: Access the Internet While Camping Thumbnail

How To: Access the Internet While Camping

Many camping fanatics will throw a fit if they hear that someone wants to access the internet while camping. Their opinion is that when you camp, you're supposed to enjoy the outdoors and forget about technology. Eh... no thanks. I enjoy the outdoors -- a lot. But I enjoy checking my email, telling people what I ate for lunch on Twitter and posting odd pictures on Facebook, too. So, I can

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Camping Equipment: Should you Skimp or Splurge? Thumbnail

Camping Equipment: Should you Skimp or Splurge?

Before camping there is always one question that comes to mind: should I skimp or splurge? If you go on the cheap you will end up saving money but will you lose your sanity while camping? If you splurge or pay for quality camping equipment you will leave with less cash in your pocket but you may have invested in gear that will preform as promised and be worth every penny you've spent. So what will

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Camping Essentials: Should You Skimp or Splurge? Thumbnail

Camping Essentials: Should You Skimp or Splurge?

Planning to enjoy the best Mother Nature has to offer by going on a camping trip? Debating on whether or not you should skimp or splurge on your camping essentials? Here are tips on how you can pick the right equipment for the right price. Should You Skimp or Splurge? Everyone needs a break every once in a while. Particularly for those who live and work in the busy city, a vacation to a relaxing

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Camping for Geeks: How to Survive the Outdoors Thumbnail

Camping for Geeks: How to Survive the Outdoors

If you are a geek like me then you love all your gadgets, your iPhone, 42” LED TV and all the luxuries of today’s life. As the summer approaches you’re asked to go camping. "Great," you think, " let’s go out and pretend to be in the 19th century for a while." We live in the 21st century, so why should I want to spend several days somewhere far out without Twitter, Facebook and my

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The Best Camping Gadget: <br />Amazon Kindle Thumbnail

The Best Camping Gadget:
Amazon Kindle

The Amazon Kindle has forever changed the way we read books. If your asking yourself, “What the heck is a Kindle?” don't feel bad. There are still those of us who live under rocks. With all of these new gadgets popping up out of nowhere who can keep up!? The Amazing Amazon Kindle No, the Kindle is not firewood. The Amazon Kindle is a device where you can download up to 3,500 of your favorite

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