How to…

Camping How To’s: Ever wonder “how to” do something while camping? Or wished you knew of a better way of “how to” do something that would improve your camping trip. Here are some detailed guides of camping how to’s: from building a campfire, waterproofing matches, choosing a tent or sleeping bag, avoiding ants, keeping your kids safe to taking your dog camping with you. These camping how to guides will help you make your next camping trip much easier and more enjoyable.

How to..., RV Camping
How to Change a Flat Tyre Thumbnail

How to Change a Flat Tyre

Maybe you've already experienced that dreaded moment when you realise one of your tyres is completely flat but you were lucky enough to find someone that knew how to change the tyre. What if you weren't so fortunate to have a handy jack of all trades in the near vicinity and you had to deal with the problem on your own? Would that be the end? Or, would you come out triumphant and tell everyone of

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How to go Horse Camping – What You Should Know Thumbnail

How to go Horse Camping – What You Should Know

Going camping is the great American past time. There’s nothing better than escaping the confines of the city and hitting the great outdoors for a little fresh air, space to breathe, and adventure. And, if you’re a horse lover like me, bringing your horse along for some beautiful trail riding can only increase the already abundant joy of camping. First Time Horse Camping: But taking your hors

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How to Get out of Quicksand Thumbnail

How to Get out of Quicksand

Although not common, there are people who find themselves deep in quicksand while they explore beaches, swamps, rivers, or marshy areas. Quicksand is not usually what you might see in a movie, where the suspect steps in quicksand and within minutes they're up to their eyeballs in it. How to Get out of Quicksand What is Quicksand? Quicksand can be found anywhere that the right conditions are pre

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Yoga for Camping Thumbnail

Yoga for Camping

Whether you have an inflatable Therm-A-Rest, a Ridge Rest sleeping pad, or a bed of moss, chances are you are going to wake up from a night under the stars with some cricks and cranks in your neck and back. But before you sling your backpack over your shoulders for a long day of hiking, try a couple of these easy yoga poses to ease tension and support a healthier body while camping.  In doing

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How to Camp With a Baby Thumbnail

How to Camp With a Baby

Many of us have warm memories of childhood camping holidays with our parents and siblings. As well as being relaxed, there was always a sense of liberty, adventure and of being one with nature. We never doubted that we would have anything other than a happy vacation, but now that we are grown up and have families of our own, many of us shrink at the idea of sleeping under the stars with our own li

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How to Use a Wire Coat Hanger While Camping Thumbnail

How to Use a Wire Coat Hanger While Camping

An indispensable item for any camper the wire coat hanger has a multitude of uses. Here I will share with you  a few ways how to use a wire coat hanger while camping. Uses for a Wire Coat Hanger While Camping: Hang it from a traditional tent ridge pole and put your night things on it to air them out; plus, there's more room in the tent and items are easier to find. Use a branch or even a c

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Camping for Geeks: How to Survive the Outdoors Thumbnail

Camping for Geeks: How to Survive the Outdoors

If you are a geek like me then you love all your gadgets, your iPhone, 42” LED TV and all the luxuries of today’s life. As the summer approaches you’re asked to go camping. "Great," you think, " let’s go out and pretend to be in the 19th century for a while." We live in the 21st century, so why should I want to spend several days somewhere far out without Twitter, Facebook and my

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How to Clean a Fish When Camping Thumbnail

How to Clean a Fish When Camping

This is part two on How to Clean a Fish When Camping. This section mainly covers how to descale, gut and prepare your fish for cooking. If you missed part one on "What You Need to Clean Your Fish" you can read it here. De-Slime Your Fish It’s important to clean and prepare the fish for cooking shortly after being caught so as to maintain its freshness. First wash off the layer of slime on the

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