Camping Jokes

Funny Camping Humor

Camping HumorHere is some Funny Camping Humor for you to chuckle at and share with your fellow campers. The jokes were found on the internet and the authors are unknown. Enjoy!

Steps to Build a Campfire Joke

1. Split dead limb into fragments and shave one fragment into slivers.
2. Bandage left thumb.
3. Chop other fragments into smaller fragments.
4. Bandage left foot.
5. Make a structure of slivers (including those embedded in the hand).
6. Light match.
7. Light match.
8. Repeat “I’m a Happy Camper” and light match.
9. Apply match to slivers, add wood fragments, and blow gently into base of flames.
10. Apply burn ointment to nose.
11. When fire is burning, collect more wood.
12. When fire is burning well, add all remaining firewood.
13. After thunderstorm has passed, repeat the above steps.

Books Never Written Jokes

  • ‘To the Outhouse’ by Willie Maket, Illustrated by Betty Wont
  • ‘How to Survive a Bear Attack’ by Ben Eaton
  • ‘The Yellow River’ by I.P. Daily
  • ‘Over the Mountaintop’ by Hugo First
  • ‘Falling Off a Cliff’ by Eileen Dover
  • ‘The Joys of Drinking’ by Al Coholic
  • ‘I Was Prepared’ by Justin Case
  • ‘Smelly Stuff’ by Anita Bath
  • ‘A Safe Hitchiker’s Guide’ by Ren Tacar
  • ‘A Sailor’s Adventure’ by Ron A. Ground
  • ‘Raise Your Arms’ by Harry Pitt
  • ‘Sitting on the Beach’ by Sandy Cheeks
  • ‘Something Smells’ by I. Ben Pharting

I hope you enjoyed this funny camping humor, for more laughs be sure to read more Funny Camping Jokes. If you know of any more camping humor or jokes please feel free to share them in the comment box below. Thanks!

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(The CampTrip Team)


About the Author

has written 48 articles on CampTrip.

Kaitlyn loves camping and travelling to new and interesting places. She lives to explore the world and has no intentions of slowing down. Kaitlyn can often be found day dreaming and eating ice.

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