Camping Location

Camping Location: Have you heard the expression “Location, location, location”? Well, it is the same with regards to camping. Choosing the right camping location is a big factor to having a successful camping trip. It could ultimately make or break the fun factor while your camping. Before camping it is always important to research your camping location. This will help you prepare for certain types of conditions. Here are some things to look for and consider when choosing a location to set up camp.

Out in the Wild: Do’s & Dont’s Thumbnail

Out in the Wild: Do’s & Dont’s

There is no better way in the world, than camping, to get in touch with mother nature. The canopy of entwined branches and thick, green leaves, the carpet of the soft grass beneath you and the sight of the clear, blue sky is truly enthralling. Of course, there is the buzzing of the bees and howling of the fox at night; not to mention the great growl of the bear, but all of this, coupled with the

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