Camping with Family

Camping with Family is probably one of the most enjoyed forms of camping. Family camping is great because it bring the whole family together as one tight and functioning unit. In today’s fast paced lifestyle, nothing beats getting outdoors, camping with your family and enjoying quality time together as a family. Parents love camping with family because they get to spend a lot of time bonding with their children and kids love it because they get to play outside to explore, learn and really enjoy being a kid.

Camping Memories: The Beauty of Camping Thumbnail

Camping Memories: The Beauty of Camping

In our dimly lit basement I recently opened a photo journal; instantly, I was transported back to the time when my children were eleven and fourteen. The journal was full of so many great camping memories! Pulling a beat up camper trailer behind our truck, we set off to experience as many national parks as we could in one summer. I planned to infuse history, geography, geology and nature into my c

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A Camping Misadventure: The Perfect Failures Thumbnail

A Camping Misadventure: The Perfect Failures

Mmmm camping. The crisp pine-cone incense surrounds me, the feel of forest floor between my toes, the mystery of freshly falling fog… Smudge. Five-year-old Leslie walks across my perfect picture with our mud-pawed retriever, Rocky, in tow. With twinkling jade eyes and a smile that’s too pure to pay for, he exclaims, “We’re going camping!” We? I hope Mom and Dad knew what they were

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Camping at Powell River, British Columbia Thumbnail

Camping at Powell River, British Columbia

“Camping!” I exclaimed incredulously. Just the mere thought of spending the night outdoors terrified and disgusted me. I fumed as my mother explained how it would ultimately be an amazing experience; utilizing the hackneyed cliché of “try something new!”, and gradually she succeeded in persuading me to accept what I was certain would be a horrifying nightmare. Camping at Powell River BC,

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Oceanside Camping Trip Thumbnail

Oceanside Camping Trip

My family of 5 are avid campers. We go at least five times every summer to the beautiful mountains of North Carolina for a mountain getaway from school and work. This year I had my oldest daughter graduate high school on the same day that my baby girl turned 13 and I wanted to do something special for this auspicious occasion. I made the mistake of asking the family what they wanted to do to cele

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Using a Rock for Fishing Bait Thumbnail

Using a Rock for Fishing Bait

Most parents know that when you go camping at a lake there will be fishing involved. On one of our camping trips to Lake Don Pedro, my husband and I, along with our two sons decided to walk down to lake to do some fishing. It was a warm sunny day with a nice breeze blowing. We settled in our lawn chairs and prepared to catch that big bass. After about twenty mintues of fishing and not

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Don’t Get Bored in the Great Outdoors! Thumbnail

Don’t Get Bored in the Great Outdoors!

"But Mum, what are we going to do all day?" The first time I told my girls that we were going to stay in a field for a week and sleep in a tent, their initial reply in unison was: 'But Mum, what are we going to do all day? There are so many things to do while you are camping and with a little imagination and a lot of energy you can have a jam-packed nature-filled camp trip... we do! Here are so

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Stargazing While Camping Thumbnail

Stargazing While Camping

Gazing at the stars in the night sky is a perfect way to relax and unwind at the end of a camp day's activities and if you're travelling with young children, it can be a fun way to end the day, its educational too! With children, it's usually best to begin with the basics and nowhere is more enjoyable to start doing this as when we go camping. As they get a little older and begin to develop an int

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Camping With Your Two Gay Dads Thumbnail

Camping With Your Two Gay Dads

My very first camping trip was with my two gay dads, Alan and Sean. I was 12 years old. It was the first time mom had allowed me to spend time away with them and I was determined to make it go as smoothly as possible and therefore envisage future trips. A Seemingly Great Idea Alan (my biological dad) was hell-bent on making my trip to the great outdoors the ultimate camping experience (I’m sur

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