Camping with Nature

Camping with Nature: Is exactly that, you are camping WITH nature. Respect your surrounding and what lives amoungst the area. After all, it is their habitat (home) not yours, so please keep in mind that you are the visitor. Remember that you are now in other animals territory and you must keep out of their way and try to prevent disrupting them and their environment. Here are some tips when camping with nature. Read tips on repelling insects, avoiding bears, snakes, and other critters while also becoming more knowledgeable about your surroundings.

Preventing and Treating Insect Bites & Stings Thumbnail

Preventing and Treating Insect Bites & Stings

His skin had turned a pasty pale gray and he was sweating profusely. He collapsed to one knee and gasped for breath, grabbing his throat, just before hitting the ground nearly unconscious. Within minutes an ambulance was transporting him on a stretcher. The rest of us, many still seated around the campfire looked on in disbelief. Here I will share my story and my tips in for preventing and trea

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Camping at the Bay of Fundy: A Series of Unfortunate Events Thumbnail

Camping at the Bay of Fundy: A Series of Unfortunate Events

The year was 1980, the family was camping at the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada in a 1977 Chevy campervan. The day was beautiful, sunny, warm, safe and secure....Until a thunderstorm dropped in - and I do mean dropped. A Series of Unfortunate Events First a crack of lightening, then the thunder caught up, the pelting rain deluged.  My husband was fishing, license free, in the crystal clear w

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Louisiana Camping: Be Careful where you Drop your Fishing Line Thumbnail

Louisiana Camping: Be Careful where you Drop your Fishing Line

It was beautiful summer morning and my family and I were in 3 mile Bayou Melville, Louisiana camping. I was enjoying being at our camp with all the kids, fishing off the pier.  It got too quiet, so I decided I had better check. I walked down to the bayou.  Everything looked great.  My oldest step-daughter and her brother and my son all were fishing.  The youngest, a six year old girl, was stan

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Pitch Without the Itch: How to Avoid Bugs When Camping Thumbnail

Pitch Without the Itch: How to Avoid Bugs When Camping

Insects love me.  It’s all to do with smell.  They are attracted to the carbon dioxide we breathe out and the lactic acid in our sweat.  This explains why I am so irresistible to horseflies during a hot climb.  After a week of back-packing I used to count more than 40 bites which I scratched for the rest of the summer and have the scars to prove it.  Here are some tips on how to avoid bugs

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Beware of the Critters When Camping Thumbnail

Beware of the Critters When Camping

Put all Your Food Somewhere Secure and Out of Reach Beware of the critters when camping! While camping a few years back in the state of Maryland my husband and I did not have anything to put all of our food items in. We had put our cold items in the ice chest, but did not think too much about leaving our other items out. These things mostly consisted of canned goods, potatoes and corn-on-the-cob.

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My Tip to Prevent Mosquitoes Thumbnail

My Tip to Prevent Mosquitoes

What could you do this summer? A trip to Sardinia, Italy maybe. A beautiful country, great weather, clear seas. The camping there is quite straightforward. You could even do the same as I did. Perfection is Bliss You could arrive at the campsite and find the perfect spot. It’s quiet, the neighbors are not exactly next-door, and the toilet is far away enough not to smell, but close enough for a

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Garlic: The Ultimate Camping Bloodsucker Repellent Thumbnail

Garlic: The Ultimate Camping Bloodsucker Repellent

Garlic has always been recognized in myth, folklore and in Hollywood as being one of the key required ingredients to repel bloodsucking vampires.  It just may be that, hidden in all the fiction is a small grain (or even clove), of fact. It just so happens that, garlic is an insect repellant. You're On The Menu Wherever you camp in the world, living under canvas inevitably attracts uninvited gue

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Cigarettes for Jellyfish Stings Thumbnail

Cigarettes for Jellyfish Stings

Crystal Beach, Texas is one of the hidden outdoor camping gems of the South. With Galveston only a ferry ride away, there is plenty of space on the beach to set up a tent and campfire without having to worry about being smothered by other campers. Most of the people who come to relax in a chair and splash in the water stick to the more aesthetically pleasing sand of Galveston; those who want to fi

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