Organized Camping

Organized Camping: Do yourself a favour and do your best to organize your camping trip before you go. What I mean is, try to plan and prepare for anything you may need while camping. An organized camper is a happy camper. Organized camping does not mean it takes away the fun of “make due with what we have” idea, it will just help you remember to take care of the things that could form an unideal situation. Here are some ways that will help you have and easy and more organized camping trip.

Top Travel Tips for Long Trips Thumbnail

Top Travel Tips for Long Trips

Have you ever wanted to just pack up and set off to a faraway place with sun, sea and sand, breathtaking views and endless places to explore? If you are lucky enough to be able to take a year out to travel, there are many things to take into account, weather it be driving to France or Spain or travelling around Europe! This guide will help you through the main points of planning and funding yo

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Useful RV Packing Tips Thumbnail

Useful RV Packing Tips

Traveling in an RV is one of the best ways to see the world. Whatever the destination, travellers find a campervan hire and take off. If the RV is packed properly, it can carry quite a lot and make a comfortable holiday. Camping with an RV is especially useful for families. People may not have packed an RV before if it is the first time they hire a campervan in Australia or elsewhere in the wor

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The Camping Box Thumbnail

The Camping Box

Over the last few years I have discovered the importance of a receptacle that I shall henceforth call 'The Camping Box'. This is not a box that one camps in; this is a box that one should never camp without! The Camping Box: I'm a veteran of many camping trips both in the United Kingdom and in Europe (the longest one being 4.5 months under canvas in a Bivouac tent in Italy - another story, belie

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Camping Tips for a Safe and Fun Trip Thumbnail

Camping Tips for a Safe and Fun Trip

I love going camping! After some trial and error, I have learned a few tips that have helped our family really enjoy our camping trips. Below I will share with you some of my most important and most helpful camping tips for a safe and fun trip. Camping Tips to Remember: Camping Checklist First of all, make a camping checklist of every item you need to take on your camping trip. Nothing is worse

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Planning a Camping Trip in Western Australia Thumbnail

Planning a Camping Trip in Western Australia

As with any major holiday, planning is a crucial step in ensuring that your camping trip will go off without hardship. When we made our own four month camp trip endeavor by campervan, covering over 15.000 km from Darwin to Sydney. We encountered several moments when our up-front planning helped us out. Planning a Budget Camping Trip in Australia: Don't be put-off; we didn't write a 40 page itine

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Camping in Kaghan, Pakistan: Camping Tips Thumbnail

Camping in Kaghan, Pakistan: Camping Tips

Though I am not much of a camper, I have learned some tips from the few trips I have been on. To explain these, I would like to recount my experiences in the “wild” with you. It had been a long year studying and we all needed a bit of a break from our studies, and what better place to do this than going to the northern regions of Pakistan. Furthermore, we decided to go on our first-ever campi

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Camping in Romania: Don’t Forget the Camping Essentials Thumbnail

Camping in Romania: Don’t Forget the Camping Essentials

I live in Romania, to be more specific Transylvania. It's a beautiful location full of mountains, plains and hills. I don't want to bore you with details about the beautiful green grass in the summer or the pure white snow in the winter. It's a great place, and I live right in the middle of it. A few days ago I and some friends decided to pick up our bikes and go camping in a forest nearby. I took

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Organized Camping: Take the Bugs out Thumbnail

Organized Camping: Take the Bugs out

Camping is a wonderful and inexpensive way to take your family on vacation. Often, however, families who are camping with kids for the first time find camping hectic, frustrating and not much fun. Some of these families decide that camping is just not for them and never try it again. This is sad, because camping, with a little planning, can be an enjoyable experience even for first-time campers. S

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