Camping With Kids: Touring the USA Thumbnail

Camping With Kids: Touring the USA

Camping with kids could be either a nightmare, or an experience of a lifetime. When my boys were ages 6, 8 and 10, I loaded them up in our SUV with nothing more than a tent and a cooler, and headed west. I knew I would be camping with kids in the USA but I had no destination, no expectations or time frame. It was summer vacation and I was about making memories. In my mind, I was going to make a bi

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Invest in a Waterproof Tent Thumbnail

Invest in a Waterproof Tent

My rose coloured singlet stuck to the hollow of my back. I shifted myself onto my side, feeling the soft heat emanating from my burning cheek onto the palm of my hand. Just as I had begun to dream about being kissed by this really hot guy from some movie, I felt a hand shaking my shoulder. “Vicky...Vick-k-k-y-y-y!” “Hmm...w-h-a-t?” a small pool of drool trickled down my chin, sprung

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Camping: Horse Flies, Cows and Cous Cous! Thumbnail

Camping: Horse Flies, Cows and Cous Cous!

So my story begins in the beautiful surroundings of the Lake District, Cumbria, England. I had embarked on a 4 day camping expedition over the rolling hills and steep mountains of the English countryside, to complete The Duke of Edinburgh Award. My Tips for Camping in the Lake District: Horse Flies and Other Lovely Insects There are a few things you should know before you go on a camping trip,

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Four Essentials When Hiking Thumbnail

Four Essentials When Hiking

Camping is exhilarating and fun.  But keep it safe – especially if you have youngsters with you. Teach them now and they will cherish the lesson for life. Here are some essentials when hiking to help you prepare for your next hiking trip. Essentials when Hiking: Communication Study the area you are camping, speak to locals if you’re unfamiliar with it – get authorization if needed.  Map

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Campfire Making Made Easy Thumbnail

Campfire Making Made Easy

This making a campfire information is from the camping pamphlets that were part of the fire kits that I made and sold during the rendez-vous that I attended in Michigan, Kentucky and have sold on Ebay and other Internet forums. Making a Campfire The Colonial Woodsmen knew that they could survive as long as they had their skinning knife and their fire making kit. "Injuns" may run off with your sh

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Ghost Stories for Camping Thumbnail

Ghost Stories for Camping

Think campfire. Think toasted marshmallows. Think ghost stories. These are some of the best-loved images associated with camping, and for very good reason. My own personal favourite is the ghost story, told with such contagious enthusiasm when we are young and camping with friends, torches held under our faces for effect, imaginations racing. There is no better place for the ghost story t

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Camping Supplies for Music Festivals Thumbnail

Camping Supplies for Music Festivals

I don't think of myself as a real camper as I only camp at Glastonbury, UK and other music festivals; but, eleven festivals later (including two with a toddler), I have worked out some things that might be useful to you on your own camping trip. Camping Supplies for Music Festivals: Pillow Firstly, pack a pillow - put it in a bin liner (garbage bag) and tie it with string to your backpack.  It

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Types of Camping Tents Thumbnail

Types of Camping Tents

An important step in knowing what kind of camping tent is right for you is knowing what types of camping tents are out there. Below are some descriptions of some of the more popular camping tents. (more…)

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