
Camping in Murree, Pakistan Thumbnail

Camping in Murree, Pakistan

If you live in North America or elsewhere in the world you might never think to go camping in Pakistan or never know that people in Pakistan enjoy camping as a leisure activity. In fact Pakistan is a beautiful country with incredible landscapes where you can camp. I often go camping in Muree, Pakistan with my family. Yes, Pakistan is not always the easiest place to camp, but, with my advice below,

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Campfire Making Made Easy Thumbnail

Campfire Making Made Easy

This making a campfire information is from the camping pamphlets that were part of the fire kits that I made and sold during the rendez-vous that I attended in Michigan, Kentucky and have sold on Ebay and other Internet forums. Making a Campfire The Colonial Woodsmen knew that they could survive as long as they had their skinning knife and their fire making kit. "Injuns" may run off with your sh

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Ghost Stories for Camping Thumbnail

Ghost Stories for Camping

Think campfire. Think toasted marshmallows. Think ghost stories. These are some of the best-loved images associated with camping, and for very good reason. My own personal favourite is the ghost story, told with such contagious enthusiasm when we are young and camping with friends, torches held under our faces for effect, imaginations racing. There is no better place for the ghost story t

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How to Build a Campfire Thumbnail

How to Build a Campfire

A campfire often sets the mood for a good camping experience. Associated with warmth, cooking and socializing, the campfire really is the life of the camping party. So how do you make a successful campfire? (more…)

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Guide to Making a Campfire Thumbnail

Guide to Making a Campfire

When we were camping in the jungle, a campfire was one of the most important things we required to survive. A campfire can ward off wild animals, produce warmth, signal danger and cook food. Making a Campfire Campfire Preparation: The choice of location for a campfire. Tools and materials that are available around the vicinity of the camp area. The time it takes. The direction of the wind (important to know in order to make the fire safe and lasting). Selecting a Spot

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Cooking Bread on a Stick Thumbnail

Cooking Bread on a Stick

There’s a certain art to cooking things on sticks. We’ve all made S’mores, shoving marshmallows onto sticks and trying to cook them over a far too large flame of the campfire. The results are often sticks with balls of flaming goo on the end. They’re more or less edible and certainly fulfill the day’s dietary requirements for carbon, but they're not pretty. Cooking on Sticks Over the Campfire Cooking things on sticks over a campfire requires a certain consideration for ma

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Romance in Camp Thumbnail

Romance in Camp

It would be fair to say that my love affair with camping is still going strong since my first trip when I fell tent, pole and zipper! Spending a few nights in the great outdoors, cuddling up next to a campfire with the one you love is a surefire way to put a spark into any relationship. With Valentines day just around the corner, why not add some romance in camp? Maybe you are wondering how on earth sleeping in a tent can be romantic? Well here are a few things you could try that

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When the Camping Season’s Over Thumbnail

When the Camping Season’s Over

My tent is now in storage, carefully packed away, The outdoor nylon shelter lives to see another day! Now the camping season's over and the winter nights draw in, The guy ropes, pegs and mallet; cleaned and dried, stored in a tin. I begin to think of next year and the adventures I will have, New places I will find to camp, with the help of my Sat Nav! Campsites across the country I have yet to explore, My great sense of adventure always leaves me wanting more. There's a fe

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