
Should Camping be Free? Thumbnail

Should Camping be Free?

Should Camping Be Free? Benefits & Downsides of Free Campsites Every avid camper knows about those secret, free campsites. I am sure you know what I am talking about. When my girlfriend and I traveled through Australia we got a thrill out of spotting a nice free campsite somewhere. With a campervan it was easy to just ‘hide’ somewhere in a parking lot or some national park. Some state

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Camping at Fraser Island, Australia Thumbnail

Camping at Fraser Island, Australia

Welcome To Paradise Midway up Australia’s Pacific Coast, Fraser Island offers a landscape you won’t see anywhere else in the world –majestic rainforests rooted in sand dunes, crystal clear lakes surrounded by snowy white sand, and seventy-five miles of uninterrupted ocean beaches flanked by dunes and brilliantly colored sand cliffs.  A piney-eucalyptus fragrance blankets Fraser Island, the

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Invest in a Waterproof Tent Thumbnail

Invest in a Waterproof Tent

My rose coloured singlet stuck to the hollow of my back. I shifted myself onto my side, feeling the soft heat emanating from my burning cheek onto the palm of my hand. Just as I had begun to dream about being kissed by this really hot guy from some movie, I felt a hand shaking my shoulder. “Vicky...Vick-k-k-y-y-y!” “Hmm...w-h-a-t?” a small pool of drool trickled down my chin, sprung

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Camping Ayers Rock, Australia: The Coldest Night of my Life! Thumbnail

Camping Ayers Rock, Australia: The Coldest Night of my Life!

There are many benefits to camping that makes it appealing to both young and old. Not only is it an affordable way to travel and visit new places,but  there are some places of such true, natural beauty, where only camping will do! No other way can you experience the wonders of this planet and the unique bond that man has with nature. A romantic view I know, but for me  - and my slightly less ent

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Top 10 Australian Camping Spots Thumbnail

Top 10 Australian Camping Spots

Exploring Australia on a road trip is something that each citizen of the country should do at least once, and visitors from other parts of the globe can find no better way to experience the continent. Then while fine accommodations in resort hotels or even campervans are readily available, saving money and making memories is never better than when travelers just take along some good camping equipm

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Planning a Camping Trip in Western Australia Thumbnail

Planning a Camping Trip in Western Australia

As with any major holiday, planning is a crucial step in ensuring that your camping trip will go off without hardship. When we made our own four month camp trip endeavor by campervan, covering over 15.000 km from Darwin to Sydney. We encountered several moments when our up-front planning helped us out. Planning a Budget Camping Trip in Australia: Don't be put-off; we didn't write a 40 page itine

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