
Invest in a Waterproof Tent Thumbnail

Invest in a Waterproof Tent

My rose coloured singlet stuck to the hollow of my back. I shifted myself onto my side, feeling the soft heat emanating from my burning cheek onto the palm of my hand. Just as I had begun to dream about being kissed by this really hot guy from some movie, I felt a hand shaking my shoulder. “Vicky...Vick-k-k-y-y-y!” “Hmm...w-h-a-t?” a small pool of drool trickled down my chin, sprung

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Camping: Horse Flies, Cows and Cous Cous! Thumbnail

Camping: Horse Flies, Cows and Cous Cous!

So my story begins in the beautiful surroundings of the Lake District, Cumbria, England. I had embarked on a 4 day camping expedition over the rolling hills and steep mountains of the English countryside, to complete The Duke of Edinburgh Award. My Tips for Camping in the Lake District: Horse Flies and Other Lovely Insects There are a few things you should know before you go on a camping trip,

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The Summer I Camped Like a Hippie Thumbnail

The Summer I Camped Like a Hippie

It was 1972 and it would be the best summer of my youth. It was the summer I camped like a hippie. I had turned twelve that year and middle school had proven to be a culture shock for me. I had never been a hip kid. I recall that was the year I had gotten my first pair of bell-bottom pants; Mother had been apprehensive about buying them - even though they had been all the rage for years and wer

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Camping With a Vehicle Thumbnail

Camping With a Vehicle

My husband Bill and I used to do a lot of camping and off-roading.  Bill never went anyplace without a plethora of supplies, tools and  equipment. This way, in the event of a car breakdown, he would have what he needed at hand to fix a vehicle or  to survive in a less than hospitable environment (we may be the only people to go on a day-trip into a California desert with arctic-type cold weathe

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Camping Memories on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia Thumbnail

Camping Memories on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia

I love the luxuries that I have available at my fingertips when I’m in the comfort of my own home.  Meals cooked on the stove.  Laundry done in a washer and dryer. A dishwasher doing my dishes.  A warm, dry bed and clean shower with hot water. However, after a long winter stuck in the house I’m sick of these walls and the luxuries within them! May 24th weekend arrives. The first long wee

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Camping at Keuka State Park NY: Making Memories in the Rain Thumbnail

Camping at Keuka State Park NY: Making Memories in the Rain

The wholesome family experience of camping is not limited to clear starry nights and chasing fireflies. In 2004, a stormy night on a hill gave camping a whole new perspective for this mom from New York. Jackie was determined to make camping a part of her children’s lives. School was still in session and preparations had begun several weeks earlier. Jackie booked a tent-site for a weekend in l

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RV Camping: Hold Down the Fort Thumbnail

RV Camping: Hold Down the Fort

Whenever my husband or I would leave our house, there was always the admonition to the other to “Hold Down the Fort”. This past weekend we went RV camping at our favorite spot; this spot is an RV park with a cement drive-through pad, water, sewage, electrical, and cable hook-ups, a pool, and a McDonald’s within two miles. RV Camping After setting up camp, hooking up the air conditioner,

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“Okay, God, I Get It: It IS a GRAND Canyon!” Thumbnail

“Okay, God, I Get It: It IS a GRAND Canyon!”

My roommate, Jenna, and I view nature in two forms. First, there is “nature” which consists of flowers organized in dainty rows, zephyrs blowing through oak leaves and air conditioned buildings within reach. Then, there is “THE nature”; cruel and biting, layered in sweat, and bears attacking humbly constructed tents. So when we were required go hiking the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA for a

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