
Preventing and Treating Insect Bites & Stings Thumbnail

Preventing and Treating Insect Bites & Stings

His skin had turned a pasty pale gray and he was sweating profusely. He collapsed to one knee and gasped for breath, grabbing his throat, just before hitting the ground nearly unconscious. Within minutes an ambulance was transporting him on a stretcher. The rest of us, many still seated around the campfire looked on in disbelief. Here I will share my story and my tips in for preventing and trea

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How to Enjoy Camping If You Hate Camping Thumbnail

How to Enjoy Camping If You Hate Camping

Do the words “camping trip” bring back bad memories? Do you wonder why anyone would willingly leave their comfortable bed to go sleep on a lumpy grass floor in a cold tent? While certain camping experiences will never be fun, they don’t need to ruin your attitude towards camping. Focusing on the positive experiences can change a bad trip into a great one. Here are my tips on how to enjoy cam

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How to Eat Cheap and Healthy When Camping Thumbnail

How to Eat Cheap and Healthy When Camping

Being a city girl, I came to camping a bit later in life and at a time when good food and value for money were both extremely important to me. Chocolate obsession aside, I try to eat fairly healthy, which can be difficult when going on a camping trip. I like my calories to come with significant vitamins and delicious value for what I eat. That means fresh produce when possible, a few pre-made item

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How to: Go Camping With Your Dog Thumbnail

How to: Go Camping With Your Dog

Would you like to go camping or hiking with your dog but would like to know a bit more about how to prepare for it before you go? CampTrip has thought of nearly everything you might need to know to take your dog camping. Whether this is your first time taking your dog camping or if your an expert, these articles should power you with all the knowledge you need to know to take your dog wit

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How to Survive Camping With Kids Thumbnail

How to Survive Camping With Kids

Heading out on a camping trip with your family? Are you worried about how you are going to manage living all that time outdoors with your kids? How can you possibly keep things sane when your kids comfortable environment has suddenly changed into an outdoor environment? Fear not! I have some tips on how to survive camping with your kids. Tips on How to Survive Camping with Kids: Accept the fa

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Types of Camp Cooking (Dutch Oven/Campfire) Thumbnail

Types of Camp Cooking (Dutch Oven/Campfire)

Camping provides a great escape from the weekday routine. There are so many types of camp cooking, it's not everyday you get to cook over a campfire! You can enhance your camping experience with an innovative camping recipe. A camping recipe can be as easy or as complicated as you want and with a little planning there's certainly no reason to fear camping cooking. Camping recipes are great way

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Campfire Making Made Easy Thumbnail

Campfire Making Made Easy

This making a campfire information is from the camping pamphlets that were part of the fire kits that I made and sold during the rendez-vous that I attended in Michigan, Kentucky and have sold on Ebay and other Internet forums. Making a Campfire The Colonial Woodsmen knew that they could survive as long as they had their skinning knife and their fire making kit. "Injuns" may run off with your sh

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Types of Camping Tents Thumbnail

Types of Camping Tents

An important step in knowing what kind of camping tent is right for you is knowing what types of camping tents are out there. Below are some descriptions of some of the more popular camping tents. (more…)

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