
Camping Reviews on camping gear, equipment and campsites to help you make a more informative decision on all your camping needs. These articles will give you a first hand opinion on the specifics you are seeking whether on a campsite, camping attraction or a outdoor gear or equipment product. The pros and cons, the good bad and the ugly, the true thoughts on what campers and outdoor enthusiasts think about what is offered to you in the great outdoors.

The Best Camping Gadget: <br />Amazon Kindle Thumbnail

The Best Camping Gadget:
Amazon Kindle

The Amazon Kindle has forever changed the way we read books. If your asking yourself, “What the heck is a Kindle?” don't feel bad. There are still those of us who live under rocks. With all of these new gadgets popping up out of nowhere who can keep up!? The Amazing Amazon Kindle No, the Kindle is not firewood. The Amazon Kindle is a device where you can download up to 3,500 of your favorite

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The Importance of Good Hiking Shoes Thumbnail

The Importance of Good Hiking Shoes

Quality hiking shoes or boots are one of the best things you can add to your arsenal of camping equipment and gear. I found out first-hand just how important they can be. Below I will share with you the importance of good hiking shoes. Hiking Boots are Called Hiking Boots for a Reason Some friends and I decided that we were going to do a day hike out to the bridge to nowhere in Azusa Canyon, Cal

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Camping in Wells Gray Provincial Park: A Little Piece of Heaven Thumbnail

Camping in Wells Gray Provincial Park: A Little Piece of Heaven

Who would have thought by Googling "Where is it sunny in Vancouver" we'd find the best Park closer to Vancouver, BC then Banff, AB. It was raining in Vancouver as usual...and we wanted to getaway and go camping. We discovered that Wells Gray Provincial Park wasn't as grey as the name indicated. We drove 5 hrs up into Wells Grey Provincial Park to the Clear Water Lake Campsite. On the way we saw a

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Camping in Oman Thumbnail

Camping in Oman

I was ten - just a kid by most standards - and had spent five hours in the old four-by-four the day before. So, you’re wondering where I was. I wasn’t sure myself. All I could see was a beach and the sea. An Unfamiliar Land: Camping Oman It had been a bit like a roller-coaster the day before, flying through the rough and unpaved wadis (dried up river beds) of the Arabian peninsula. In the ba

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Wowo Wonderland! Thumbnail

Wowo Wonderland!

They say 'never judge a book by it's cover' and I say 'you should never judge a campsite by it's entrance!'    Hands up! I am a self confessed glamper and on arrival at WOWO campsite (Waspbourne Manor Farm), I thought my quilts and feather pillows had been packed in vein. But after the initial approach and first impressions of the surroundings, the girls and I found ourselves in a hidd

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Top Spooky Campsites to Visit on Halloween Thumbnail

Top Spooky Campsites to Visit on Halloween

There is a reason why people like to gather around a campfire to tell scary stories. Stories are even spookier when they are told in the right atmosphere. Taking a trip to a spooky campsite can help get your entire family into the Halloween spirit. Whether you take an RV and set up camp for a few days or stop by for an afternoon, these trips will be fun and educational for the entire family. De

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WOWO Campsite Puts the “Wow” Back in Camping Thumbnail

WOWO Campsite Puts the “Wow” Back in Camping

The campground was pleasantly busy with kids running around, swinging on ropes from the trees with the sun slowly setting over the tree tops - giving this idyllic location a perfectly warm summer glow. Underlying this picture perfect scene was the scent of campfires and barbecues from parents preparing dinner. Our WOWO Campsite Camping Experience This is the sight we stumbled upon when we emerge

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The Narrows Resort on Blue Lakes Thumbnail

The Narrows Resort on Blue Lakes

Every 4th of July my family and I go camping at a place called The Narrows Resort on Blue Lakes.  It is right outside of Clearlake in Upper Lake, California USA. Family Friendly Campground The lake is ideal for swimming and it is a no-wake lake, so only fishing boats and pontoon boats, etc. are allowed. The owners of The Narrows Resort on Blue Lakes are Art and Sharon - and they purchased the p

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