
Keep Warm While Camping: Hoodies and Hot Water Bottles Thumbnail

Keep Warm While Camping: Hoodies and Hot Water Bottles

Ah, the beauty of Ireland in May!  The fresh green of the grass, the sweet scent of the shamrock in the morning—there’s nothing quite like it!  Although, it would be nice if it were a tad bit warmer at night when you’re trying to keep your nose from turning blue inside that little tent you’re calling home for the month. Here are my tips on how you can keep warm while camping The Ups and

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Camping in Murree, Pakistan Thumbnail

Camping in Murree, Pakistan

If you live in North America or elsewhere in the world you might never think to go camping in Pakistan or never know that people in Pakistan enjoy camping as a leisure activity. In fact Pakistan is a beautiful country with incredible landscapes where you can camp. I often go camping in Muree, Pakistan with my family. Yes, Pakistan is not always the easiest place to camp, but, with my advice below,

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Be Careful What You Say to Your 10-Year Old Thumbnail

Be Careful What You Say to Your 10-Year Old

It is the spring of 2006 and we buy a new tent for the children to use for next summer. This is quite exciting and Graham, then aged 10, wants to try camping in the backyard during the school half-term, week holiday. This seems okay. He has slept in the garden before, as had his sister before him. He equips the tent with pillows and blankets and books and a CD player and so on and is very cozy.

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Haste Makes Mistakes: Prepare for Your Camping Trip Thumbnail

Haste Makes Mistakes: Prepare for Your Camping Trip

I remember the time I was on a camping trip with my daughter and son-in-law.  We had planned on camping in Acadia national park in Maine, USA.  We got to the campsite in the early evening and it was just starting to get dark and beginning to rain lightly. This was in mid-September and, although it was fairly warm during the day, it had gotten pretty cool in the evening. A Nice Wet Sleep We wan

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Camping Tips for Kids and Easy Cooking Thumbnail

Camping Tips for Kids and Easy Cooking

After several years of camping with my kids I have learned a few things that should help make your next family camping trip a bit easier. Here are my camping tips for kids and easy cooking: Bring a Large Enough Camping Tent for the Kids The most important thing that you must take on a camping trip, is a tent. It must be large enough to put your bedding in, plus have enough room to move around in

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5 Camping Supplies to Bring Thumbnail

5 Camping Supplies to Bring

Don't you just hate it when you forget something really important when you go camping. Or when you wish you had prepared better and done something differently? Well, here I will share my 5 camping supplies to bring with you when you go camping. This way hopefully, you won't have those I shoulda, woulda, coulda moments... Camping Supplies to Bring when Camping. 1. The Kettle or Flask and a very W

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Invest in a Waterproof Tent Thumbnail

Invest in a Waterproof Tent

My rose coloured singlet stuck to the hollow of my back. I shifted myself onto my side, feeling the soft heat emanating from my burning cheek onto the palm of my hand. Just as I had begun to dream about being kissed by this really hot guy from some movie, I felt a hand shaking my shoulder. “Vicky...Vick-k-k-y-y-y!” “Hmm...w-h-a-t?” a small pool of drool trickled down my chin, sprung

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Types of Camping Tents Thumbnail

Types of Camping Tents

An important step in knowing what kind of camping tent is right for you is knowing what types of camping tents are out there. Below are some descriptions of some of the more popular camping tents. (more…)

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