
Dutch Oven Orange Chicken Breasts Thumbnail

Dutch Oven Orange Chicken Breasts

One of the best ways to make any dish stand out is not to overpower it with too much of a contrasting flavour – that’s what amateurs do. Instead, just add a “pinch” of it in your dish, enough to get your guest intrigued enough by this combination to ask you for the recipe. (Trust me, they always do.) And what food is better prepared for the job than the orange, whose delicious jui

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Stay Healthy While Camping Thumbnail

Stay Healthy While Camping

The temptation to live on junk food and tinned food when you go camping is often to great to resist. When many camping stoves and their gasses can strip the waterproof covering from your tent and you were probably awake half the night because of the unusual environment, you probably don't really feel like cooking anything healthy. But it is in fact very easy to stay healthy while camping. One t

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Giant Dutch Oven Cinnamon Roll Thumbnail

Giant Dutch Oven Cinnamon Roll

This breakfast treat is sure to be a hit with the kids! Our giant Dutch oven cinnamon roll became a favorite camping breakfast each year at our Oregon coast campouts. Ours is done in a 6 quart/10” Dutch oven and would be a generous breakfast for 6. We use 2 lbs. of frozen bread dough (like Rhode’s), defrosted; so this would be a great breakfast after the first night camping! Generously coat

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BBQs and Carbon Monoxide – The Invisible Killer Thumbnail

BBQs and Carbon Monoxide – The Invisible Killer

Eating outdoors and having a BBQ whilst on a camping trip, for me at least, is a must! Cooking outdoors seems to capture glorious flavours and aromas that can’t be found in any kitchen and the process of getting one started leaves time to prepare mouth watering recipes and concoctions outside your tent. Mine and the girl's favourites are sausage and burger lollies! Ahha... I hear you asking "wh

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How to Cook your Eggs in an Orange’s Skin Thumbnail

How to Cook your Eggs in an Orange’s Skin

Bush walking in Australia could nearly be classed as a national pastime. There are a broad range of treks and walking tracks set out all over the country. For the "any" bush walker, one of the key aspects of trip planning is to travel light. With this in mind, I'd like to share a little camp fire cooking method that can save some weight. How to Cook your Eggs in an Orange's Skin: Build a s

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Camping Food Preparation Thumbnail

Camping Food Preparation

There are some important things you need to take into consideration while preparing your camping food list. How long are you going to be camping: Your camping food list should ideally include foods that would stay fresh for a while. Make a meal plan: You'll bring a lot less with you if you've planned out ahead of time what you'll be eating each day. Can you do some food preparation at home

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How to Clean a Fish When Camping Thumbnail

How to Clean a Fish When Camping

This is part two on How to Clean a Fish When Camping. This section mainly covers how to descale, gut and prepare your fish for cooking. If you missed part one on "What You Need to Clean Your Fish" you can read it here. De-Slime Your Fish It’s important to clean and prepare the fish for cooking shortly after being caught so as to maintain its freshness. First wash off the layer of slime on the

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Using a Storm Kettle When Camping Thumbnail

Using a Storm Kettle When Camping

Otherwise known as a kelly kettle or gypsy kettle the storm kettle is a flask-shaped double-skinned kettle. Because of its design the water inside is exposed to a large surface area of heat. Below I will share with you why storm kettles are ideal for camping and how they are best used. Storm Kettles are Perfect for Camping You can use this like any conventional gas-top kettle on your camping sto

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