
Eight Legged Creeps Thumbnail

Eight Legged Creeps

When I was a little girl, I loved going to camp. There was nothing better than spending a week away from home, sleeping out under the stars, refusing to take a shower, and feeling like an adult without the parents. My mom would send me on my way with my sleeping bag, pillow, and a couple pairs of jeans and t-shirts, and I would come back a week later covered in last Sunday's dirt and good memories

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Out in the Wild: Do’s & Dont’s Thumbnail

Out in the Wild: Do’s & Dont’s

There is no better way in the world, than camping, to get in touch with mother nature. The canopy of entwined branches and thick, green leaves, the carpet of the soft grass beneath you and the sight of the clear, blue sky is truly enthralling. Of course, there is the buzzing of the bees and howling of the fox at night; not to mention the great growl of the bear, but all of this, coupled with the

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3 Things You Must Take on a UK Fishing Trip Thumbnail

3 Things You Must Take on a UK Fishing Trip

During the recent global recession, the rate of British citizens travelling abroad plummeted by 15%. UK residents instead decided to spend their time holidaying within the confines of Great Britain, and this trend has continued during the subsequent economic recovery. It appears as though British citizens have rediscovered their love of the island nation during this time, with seaside escapes, cou

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5 Common Camping Injuries and Treatment Options Thumbnail

5 Common Camping Injuries and Treatment Options

Camping can be an enriching and delightful experience spent alone or with family. Despite the benefits of spending a few days outdoors, eating off the land (if possible), and sleeping outside, you can easily injure yourself in minor and severe ways. When planning and packing for a camping trip you must prepare for the possible common injuries and treatment. Prior to packing for the trip, it’s a

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Don’t Get Bored in the Great Outdoors! Thumbnail

Don’t Get Bored in the Great Outdoors!

"But Mum, what are we going to do all day?" The first time I told my girls that we were going to stay in a field for a week and sleep in a tent, their initial reply in unison was: 'But Mum, what are we going to do all day? There are so many things to do while you are camping and with a little imagination and a lot of energy you can have a jam-packed nature-filled camp trip... we do! Here are so

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Mosquito Misery and Meyhem! Thumbnail

Mosquito Misery and Meyhem!

Every summer, they come. They sneak into the tent and ravage your ankles; they find the one spot on your left shoulder that didn’t get drenched in a layer of mosquito repellent and they gnaw, chomp, and suck away. I have just returned from a camptrip and while I am happy to say I am at one with nature... being eaten alive by mosquitoes is not my idea of fun it is mosquito misery and meyhem!

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Camping with Bugs? Not a problem! Thumbnail

Camping with Bugs? Not a problem!

One of the number one complaints when people go camping is that they hate the bugs. Below I will give you some of my expert tips on how to keep them away. Camping with bugs? Not a Problem! The "Troop Beverly Hills" Camping Experience As a child, I remember watching a film called “Troop Beverly Hills”. In this movie, a group of high class girls join a Wilderness Girl organization. One of the

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Pitch Imperfect: The Wrong Place to Pitch Your Tent Thumbnail

Pitch Imperfect: The Wrong Place to Pitch Your Tent

Camping! Much like purchasing real estate, the three most important things are location, location and location. I learned this the hard way. It was about five years ago now, although my therapist remembers it as if it was yesterday. I'm a single dad with five children to entertain each summer. They had been nagging away at me for a couple of years to go camping and, having run out of excuses, I

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