
Preventing and Treating Insect Bites & Stings Thumbnail

Preventing and Treating Insect Bites & Stings

His skin had turned a pasty pale gray and he was sweating profusely. He collapsed to one knee and gasped for breath, grabbing his throat, just before hitting the ground nearly unconscious. Within minutes an ambulance was transporting him on a stretcher. The rest of us, many still seated around the campfire looked on in disbelief. Here I will share my story and my tips in for preventing and trea

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Pitch Without the Itch: How to Avoid Bugs When Camping Thumbnail

Pitch Without the Itch: How to Avoid Bugs When Camping

Insects love me.  It’s all to do with smell.  They are attracted to the carbon dioxide we breathe out and the lactic acid in our sweat.  This explains why I am so irresistible to horseflies during a hot climb.  After a week of back-packing I used to count more than 40 bites which I scratched for the rest of the summer and have the scars to prove it.  Here are some tips on how to avoid bugs

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My Tip to Prevent Mosquitoes Thumbnail

My Tip to Prevent Mosquitoes

What could you do this summer? A trip to Sardinia, Italy maybe. A beautiful country, great weather, clear seas. The camping there is quite straightforward. You could even do the same as I did. Perfection is Bliss You could arrive at the campsite and find the perfect spot. It’s quiet, the neighbors are not exactly next-door, and the toilet is far away enough not to smell, but close enough for a

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Garlic: The Ultimate Camping Bloodsucker Repellent Thumbnail

Garlic: The Ultimate Camping Bloodsucker Repellent

Garlic has always been recognized in myth, folklore and in Hollywood as being one of the key required ingredients to repel bloodsucking vampires.  It just may be that, hidden in all the fiction is a small grain (or even clove), of fact. It just so happens that, garlic is an insect repellant. You're On The Menu Wherever you camp in the world, living under canvas inevitably attracts uninvited gue

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Camping: Horse Flies, Cows and Cous Cous! Thumbnail

Camping: Horse Flies, Cows and Cous Cous!

So my story begins in the beautiful surroundings of the Lake District, Cumbria, England. I had embarked on a 4 day camping expedition over the rolling hills and steep mountains of the English countryside, to complete The Duke of Edinburgh Award. My Tips for Camping in the Lake District: Horse Flies and Other Lovely Insects There are a few things you should know before you go on a camping trip,

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Eight Legged Creeps Thumbnail

Eight Legged Creeps

When I was a little girl, I loved going to camp. There was nothing better than spending a week away from home, sleeping out under the stars, refusing to take a shower, and feeling like an adult without the parents. My mom would send me on my way with my sleeping bag, pillow, and a couple pairs of jeans and t-shirts, and I would come back a week later covered in last Sunday's dirt and good memories

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Out in the Wild: Do’s & Dont’s Thumbnail

Out in the Wild: Do’s & Dont’s

There is no better way in the world, than camping, to get in touch with mother nature. The canopy of entwined branches and thick, green leaves, the carpet of the soft grass beneath you and the sight of the clear, blue sky is truly enthralling. Of course, there is the buzzing of the bees and howling of the fox at night; not to mention the great growl of the bear, but all of this, coupled with the

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3 Things You Must Take on a UK Fishing Trip Thumbnail

3 Things You Must Take on a UK Fishing Trip

During the recent global recession, the rate of British citizens travelling abroad plummeted by 15%. UK residents instead decided to spend their time holidaying within the confines of Great Britain, and this trend has continued during the subsequent economic recovery. It appears as though British citizens have rediscovered their love of the island nation during this time, with seaside escapes, cou

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