
Be Careful What You Say to Your 10-Year Old Thumbnail

Be Careful What You Say to Your 10-Year Old

It is the spring of 2006 and we buy a new tent for the children to use for next summer. This is quite exciting and Graham, then aged 10, wants to try camping in the backyard during the school half-term, week holiday. This seems okay. He has slept in the garden before, as had his sister before him. He equips the tent with pillows and blankets and books and a CD player and so on and is very cozy.

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Camping Tips for Kids and Easy Cooking Thumbnail

Camping Tips for Kids and Easy Cooking

After several years of camping with my kids I have learned a few things that should help make your next family camping trip a bit easier. Here are my camping tips for kids and easy cooking: Bring a Large Enough Camping Tent for the Kids The most important thing that you must take on a camping trip, is a tent. It must be large enough to put your bedding in, plus have enough room to move around in

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Cooking With Tin Foil Camping Recipes Thumbnail

Cooking With Tin Foil Camping Recipes

Tin Foil might seem an odd title for a camping article but it is my best friend when camping.  It's so versatile, I have found several ways tin foil can be of use: You can keep left overs  in it It helps keep the milk cold It keeps the kids occupied for hours inventing and modelling stuff But best of all it can be used for cooking, negating the use of pots, pans and best of all washin

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Camping With Kids: Touring the USA Thumbnail

Camping With Kids: Touring the USA

Camping with kids could be either a nightmare, or an experience of a lifetime. When my boys were ages 6, 8 and 10, I loaded them up in our SUV with nothing more than a tent and a cooler, and headed west. I knew I would be camping with kids in the USA but I had no destination, no expectations or time frame. It was summer vacation and I was about making memories. In my mind, I was going to make a bi

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Ghost Stories for Camping Thumbnail

Ghost Stories for Camping

Think campfire. Think toasted marshmallows. Think ghost stories. These are some of the best-loved images associated with camping, and for very good reason. My own personal favourite is the ghost story, told with such contagious enthusiasm when we are young and camping with friends, torches held under our faces for effect, imaginations racing. There is no better place for the ghost story t

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Camping Activity Boxes for Kids Thumbnail

Camping Activity Boxes for Kids

Our four children absolutely love camping!  We never need to look for special campgrounds or environments. I always make sure to pack some special activities for the kids to play with while we adults have time to relax and enjoy ourselves too. Camping Activity Boxes for Kids: Our kids have come to look forward to "Mom's Camping Activity Boxes". I use plastic storage boxes of various sizes and f

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3 Tips to Enjoy Camping With Kids Thumbnail

3 Tips to Enjoy Camping With Kids

I'd been camping for a long time before I had kids. Then three little darlings came along and it seemed that camping would have to sit on my 'things I gave up' pile. While camping solo I had seen too many harassed parents, usually mothers, trying desperately to force their offspring to enjoy life under canvas. I wasn't going to be one of those campground screechers. Nor would I be one of the fa

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Family Camping
Cleaning Your Kids While Camping Thumbnail

Cleaning Your Kids While Camping

I had been camping a few times when I was a teenager, but camping as an adult with a young child is a different experience altogether. Some things matter, like putting every rock  into your mouth; and some things don't matter, like how dirty your child gets. A quick clean-up with baby wipes is fine to do for the duration of camping, but when it's time to go home, you need to enact a major clea

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