
Camping: Horse Flies, Cows and Cous Cous! Thumbnail

Camping: Horse Flies, Cows and Cous Cous!

So my story begins in the beautiful surroundings of the Lake District, Cumbria, England. I had embarked on a 4 day camping expedition over the rolling hills and steep mountains of the English countryside, to complete The Duke of Edinburgh Award. My Tips for Camping in the Lake District: Horse Flies and Other Lovely Insects There are a few things you should know before you go on a camping trip,

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Four Essentials When Hiking Thumbnail

Four Essentials When Hiking

Camping is exhilarating and fun.  But keep it safe – especially if you have youngsters with you. Teach them now and they will cherish the lesson for life. Here are some essentials when hiking to help you prepare for your next hiking trip. Essentials when Hiking: Communication Study the area you are camping, speak to locals if you’re unfamiliar with it – get authorization if needed.  Map

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Camping Supplies for Music Festivals Thumbnail

Camping Supplies for Music Festivals

I don't think of myself as a real camper as I only camp at Glastonbury, UK and other music festivals; but, eleven festivals later (including two with a toddler), I have worked out some things that might be useful to you on your own camping trip. Camping Supplies for Music Festivals: Pillow Firstly, pack a pillow - put it in a bin liner (garbage bag) and tie it with string to your backpack.  It

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3 Tips to Enjoy Camping With Kids Thumbnail

3 Tips to Enjoy Camping With Kids

I'd been camping for a long time before I had kids. Then three little darlings came along and it seemed that camping would have to sit on my 'things I gave up' pile. While camping solo I had seen too many harassed parents, usually mothers, trying desperately to force their offspring to enjoy life under canvas. I wasn't going to be one of those campground screechers. Nor would I be one of the fa

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Camp-in-a-Box: Organized Camping Thumbnail

Camp-in-a-Box: Organized Camping

One of the benefits to car camping (loading your gear into your car and setting up camp close to where you park) over backpacking (carrying everything in a backpack to set up camp at a location that you've hiked to, further off a main road) is the freedom to bring more equipment along. This fact  makes your meals at camp all the more enjoyable. Camping simply out of a backpack has its own joys, b

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Great Camping Food Makes for a Great Camping Trip Thumbnail

Great Camping Food Makes for a Great Camping Trip

One of the things people most overlook when they prepare for a camping trip is food. Tins from the back of the cupboard will be hastily packed away; expensive trips to grocery stores and mini-marts will be made. But why does it have to be that way? After a long day hiking, it's always great to sit down and enjoy something nutritious and tasty. Great Camping Food: How to Prepare Your Camping Meal

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Autumn Camping Tips Thumbnail

Autumn Camping Tips

Camping isn’t really an all year round activity, but camping in the autumn can be a real joy. Below are a few helpful autumn camping tips that I’ve learned in the last few years when camping in the autumn! Autumn Camping Tips: Keep all your camping equipment together- It sounds simple, but I know someone who forgot their poles! Test it out- If you haven’t used your tent for a while, t

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Camping with Family Thumbnail

Camping with Family

You are prepared and informed.  You’ve packed and you’ve planned. The only thing left to do is to get you and your family out the door and to actually, well, camp. If you're not feeling overly prepared read the article Preparing: Camping with Kids and Safety for Kids Before Camping. Here are some more camping with family tips to help you have a smooth journey, have fun cook-outs, what to do w

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