
Camping Safety and Preparation Thumbnail

Camping Safety and Preparation

Camping can be a lot of fun. Camping trips are great opportunities to bond and they can help children develop some incredible survival techniques along with a strong sense of independence. Every once and a while it’s good to just take a break from the ordinary and retreat into the wilds. However, it’s important that you make sure you are prepared and you know a thing or two about camping safe

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Tips on Being Prepared for Extreme Camping Thumbnail

Tips on Being Prepared for Extreme Camping

If you are thinking about heading out into the great wilderness please make sure you are prepared and well equipped for many of the problems that can arise. Below are my tips on being prepared for extreme camping, how to make sure you are fully and safely equipped before you head off the beaten track on an extreme camping trip. Being Prepared for the Wilderness: Keep Warm and Dry If you don’t

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BBQs and Carbon Monoxide – The Invisible Killer Thumbnail

BBQs and Carbon Monoxide – The Invisible Killer

Eating outdoors and having a BBQ whilst on a camping trip, for me at least, is a must! Cooking outdoors seems to capture glorious flavours and aromas that can’t be found in any kitchen and the process of getting one started leaves time to prepare mouth watering recipes and concoctions outside your tent. Mine and the girl's favourites are sausage and burger lollies! Ahha... I hear you asking "wh

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Rural Camping: Easy Ways to be Prepared and Prevent Fires Thumbnail

Rural Camping: Easy Ways to be Prepared and Prevent Fires

When it comes to camping or any outdoor adventure, safety is a priority, especially if you’re someone like me who likes camping in rural areas. Rural camping is a get way to get in touch with nature and forget about work and cell phones since they don’t work! Trust me, I’ve tried, and having no internet access or reception forces you to relax, which is why I usually go in the first place. Of

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Top 5 Safety Reminders When Camping with Kids Thumbnail

Top 5 Safety Reminders When Camping with Kids

Remember when you were a kid how everything was so new and exciting and the greatest activity in the world was to go outdoors by yourself and explore? I do. It seemed as if each new flower or bug or tree provoked marvelous thoughts, as if I were the first person ever to lay eyes upon such wondrous things. Mark Twain reminds us that “There comes a time in every rightly constructed boy’s life

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Winter Camping Checklist Thumbnail

Winter Camping Checklist

There are advantages to camping in winter. No bugs, snakes, crowds. Everything is just a bit more peaceful and quiet with a white blanket atop a forest or mountain. But in its intense, raw majesty, a winter camping environment needs a lot more planning than just any other camping trip. A combination of thorough preparation, the right supplies, and the right skills can help a winter camper/hiker a

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Winter Camping: Planning and Precautions Thumbnail

Winter Camping: Planning and Precautions

Winter camping can offer campers and hikers a wonderful experience. In a tranquil world of white, far away from the crowds, you can enjoy cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, ice climbing and much more. Planning a trip in the winter means spending a good deal of time researching areas and conditions to determine where, when, and how the trip will work. It takes proper trip planning, experience, and

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How to Get out of Quicksand Thumbnail

How to Get out of Quicksand

Although not common, there are people who find themselves deep in quicksand while they explore beaches, swamps, rivers, or marshy areas. Quicksand is not usually what you might see in a movie, where the suspect steps in quicksand and within minutes they're up to their eyeballs in it. How to Get out of Quicksand What is Quicksand? Quicksand can be found anywhere that the right conditions are pre

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