Preventing and Treating Insect Bites & Stings
His skin had turned a pasty pale gray and he was sweating profusely. He collapsed to one knee and gasped for breath, grabbing his throat, just before hitting the ground nearly unconscious. Within minutes an ambulance was transporting him on a stretcher. The rest of us, many still seated around the campfire looked on in disbelief. Here I will share my story and my tips in for preventing and trea
Continue ReadingTips for Desert Camping and Hiking in the Southwest Desert USA
Camping in the deserts of the southwest USA can be a unique and rewarding experience. The stark beauty of red rock mesas and mysterious hoodoos is enchanting. But the harsh climate and terrain that defines a desert requires a few adaptations when camping. Here are my tips for desert camping and hiking. Water is Life Several years ago a Scottish Scout troop came to Arizona, and as their American
Continue Reading7 Ways to Entertain your Kids While Camping
It's a nice weekend so you and your spouse decide to take your kids on a camping trip. So you pack up your things and off you go. After getting everything unpacked and set up at your campsite you realize, you didn't pack much for the kids to do while on this adventure. You think to yourself what are they going to do the whole time. Well, here are some helpful tips to entertain your kids while ca
Continue ReadingHow to Enjoy Camping If You Hate Camping
Do the words “camping trip” bring back bad memories? Do you wonder why anyone would willingly leave their comfortable bed to go sleep on a lumpy grass floor in a cold tent? While certain camping experiences will never be fun, they don’t need to ruin your attitude towards camping. Focusing on the positive experiences can change a bad trip into a great one. Here are my tips on how to enjoy cam
Continue ReadingHow to Eat Cheap and Healthy When Camping
Being a city girl, I came to camping a bit later in life and at a time when good food and value for money were both extremely important to me. Chocolate obsession aside, I try to eat fairly healthy, which can be difficult when going on a camping trip. I like my calories to come with significant vitamins and delicious value for what I eat. That means fresh produce when possible, a few pre-made item
Continue ReadingPitch Without the Itch: How to Avoid Bugs When Camping
Insects love me. It’s all to do with smell. They are attracted to the carbon dioxide we breathe out and the lactic acid in our sweat. This explains why I am so irresistible to horseflies during a hot climb. After a week of back-packing I used to count more than 40 bites which I scratched for the rest of the summer and have the scars to prove it. Here are some tips on how to avoid bugs
Continue ReadingHow to: Go Camping With Your Dog
Would you like to go camping or hiking with your dog but would like to know a bit more about how to prepare for it before you go? CampTrip has thought of nearly everything you might need to know to take your dog camping. Whether this is your first time taking your dog camping or if your an expert, these articles should power you with all the knowledge you need to know to take your dog wit
Continue ReadingKeep Warm While Camping: Hoodies and Hot Water Bottles
Ah, the beauty of Ireland in May! The fresh green of the grass, the sweet scent of the shamrock in the morning—there’s nothing quite like it! Although, it would be nice if it were a tad bit warmer at night when you’re trying to keep your nose from turning blue inside that little tent you’re calling home for the month. Here are my tips on how you can keep warm while camping The Ups and
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