Garlic: The Ultimate Camping Bloodsucker Repellent
Garlic has always been recognized in myth, folklore and in Hollywood as being one of the key required ingredients to repel bloodsucking vampires. It just may be that, hidden in all the fiction is a small grain (or even clove), of fact. It just so happens that, garlic is an insect repellant. You're On The Menu Wherever you camp in the world, living under canvas inevitably attracts uninvited gue
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Crystal Beach, Texas is one of the hidden outdoor camping gems of the South. With Galveston only a ferry ride away, there is plenty of space on the beach to set up a tent and campfire without having to worry about being smothered by other campers. Most of the people who come to relax in a chair and splash in the water stick to the more aesthetically pleasing sand of Galveston; those who want to fi
Continue ReadingA Dip into Camping
There is a place in the Swiss Alps at 1400 meters of altitude with a lake surrounded by foresty hills and cliffs, Lac Taney. This lake is freezing cold, but after hiking up a very steep mountain for 40 minutes, the first thing we did after putting our camping equipment down was change into our bathing suits and jump into that lake. Our changing room was the backside of a rock that had a 270° view
Continue ReadingEight Legged Creeps
When I was a little girl, I loved going to camp. There was nothing better than spending a week away from home, sleeping out under the stars, refusing to take a shower, and feeling like an adult without the parents. My mom would send me on my way with my sleeping bag, pillow, and a couple pairs of jeans and t-shirts, and I would come back a week later covered in last Sunday's dirt and good memories
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Many visitors only see the Scottish highlands through the windows of a tourist coach, and might as well be watching television. The only way to really know the country is by putting boot on rock, with your tent on your back. But there are some things you need to know about Camping in Scotland. Legal Unlike England, Scotland has always had a traditional right to roam and this is now enshrined in
Continue ReadingThe Best Hikes Around Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls has long been appreciated as a breath-taking visual spectacle, and with over 3,100 tons of water careening over its edge every second, it truly is a sight to behold. The Falls, however, provide more than just the passive entertainment of marveling at nature’s power. Formed at the end of the last ice age, the same powerful waters and glaciers that shaped Niagara Falls have created s
Continue ReadingHow to Prepare for a Camping Safari
Is there any more romantic destination than the wilds of Africa? Spotting the big five is a bucket list destination for many, and there’s no better way to really experience this beautiful, expansive country, than by camping under the stars, listening to the lions roar in the distance. Prepare for a Camping Safari: Africa may be one of the world’s most coveted holiday spots, but it’s als
Continue ReadingOut in the Wild: Do’s & Dont’s
There is no better way in the world, than camping, to get in touch with mother nature. The canopy of entwined branches and thick, green leaves, the carpet of the soft grass beneath you and the sight of the clear, blue sky is truly enthralling. Of course, there is the buzzing of the bees and howling of the fox at night; not to mention the great growl of the bear, but all of this, coupled with the
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