Tips and Advice

Camping Tip and Advice: A collection of all the best tips and advice on camping and the outdoors. Nothing beats a great tip from someone who knows how to make something easier! Think about a whole reserve of camping tips and advice it’s like being a kid in a candy store! What could be more exciting then learning a heap of fascinating tips that you can put to use on your next camping trip!? Read these articles and gain a wealth of useful and helpful information on camping. Are you stoked?!

Camping at the Bay of Fundy: A Series of Unfortunate Events Thumbnail

Camping at the Bay of Fundy: A Series of Unfortunate Events

The year was 1980, the family was camping at the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada in a 1977 Chevy campervan. The day was beautiful, sunny, warm, safe and secure....Until a thunderstorm dropped in - and I do mean dropped. A Series of Unfortunate Events First a crack of lightening, then the thunder caught up, the pelting rain deluged.  My husband was fishing, license free, in the crystal clear w

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Louisiana Camping: Be Careful where you Drop your Fishing Line Thumbnail

Louisiana Camping: Be Careful where you Drop your Fishing Line

It was beautiful summer morning and my family and I were in 3 mile Bayou Melville, Louisiana camping. I was enjoying being at our camp with all the kids, fishing off the pier.  It got too quiet, so I decided I had better check. I walked down to the bayou.  Everything looked great.  My oldest step-daughter and her brother and my son all were fishing.  The youngest, a six year old girl, was stan

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Pitch Without the Itch: How to Avoid Bugs When Camping Thumbnail

Pitch Without the Itch: How to Avoid Bugs When Camping

Insects love me.  It’s all to do with smell.  They are attracted to the carbon dioxide we breathe out and the lactic acid in our sweat.  This explains why I am so irresistible to horseflies during a hot climb.  After a week of back-packing I used to count more than 40 bites which I scratched for the rest of the summer and have the scars to prove it.  Here are some tips on how to avoid bugs

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Camping in Maryland During Hurricane Season Thumbnail

Camping in Maryland During Hurricane Season

My husband and I decided to go on an extended trip, camping in Maryland for vacation. We went camping near Upper Marlboro, Maryland, not realizing that it was hurricane season. My husband was informed by the camp office staff that there would be a hurricane passing through the area within the next few hours. They suggested that all campers in the higher ground area move their trailers to the local

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How to: Go Camping With Your Dog Thumbnail

How to: Go Camping With Your Dog

Would you like to go camping or hiking with your dog but would like to know a bit more about how to prepare for it before you go? CampTrip has thought of nearly everything you might need to know to take your dog camping. Whether this is your first time taking your dog camping or if your an expert, these articles should power you with all the knowledge you need to know to take your dog wit

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Keep Warm While Camping: Hoodies and Hot Water Bottles Thumbnail

Keep Warm While Camping: Hoodies and Hot Water Bottles

Ah, the beauty of Ireland in May!  The fresh green of the grass, the sweet scent of the shamrock in the morning—there’s nothing quite like it!  Although, it would be nice if it were a tad bit warmer at night when you’re trying to keep your nose from turning blue inside that little tent you’re calling home for the month. Here are my tips on how you can keep warm while camping The Ups and

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How to Survive Camping With Kids Thumbnail

How to Survive Camping With Kids

Heading out on a camping trip with your family? Are you worried about how you are going to manage living all that time outdoors with your kids? How can you possibly keep things sane when your kids comfortable environment has suddenly changed into an outdoor environment? Fear not! I have some tips on how to survive camping with your kids. Tips on How to Survive Camping with Kids: Accept the fa

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Beware of the Critters When Camping Thumbnail

Beware of the Critters When Camping

Put all Your Food Somewhere Secure and Out of Reach Beware of the critters when camping! While camping a few years back in the state of Maryland my husband and I did not have anything to put all of our food items in. We had put our cold items in the ice chest, but did not think too much about leaving our other items out. These things mostly consisted of canned goods, potatoes and corn-on-the-cob.

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