Write a Guest Post on CampTrip
CampTrip is all about sharing camping and outdoor tips and information. We always appreciate when our guests post and share a unique experience or their knowledge of camping, because that’s something we can’t offer all on our own. If you’re interested, find out more About CampTrip.
Benefits of Writing a Guest Post:
- Published on CampTrip.com
- Includes name, short bio and link to your site
- Receive a valuable back link from CampTrip
- Receive traffic to your site
- Give back to the camping and outdoor community by sharing your experience.
How to Write a Guest Post:
- No Re-post – We only accept articles that have not been published elsewhere on the internet.
- Ensure your article is original – it has to be an original piece that you write yourself.
- Pick any topic camping or outdoor related.
- Share your tips/advice, guide, knowledge, informative experience or anything you would like to share.
- No min or max word restrictions – just ensure you mention everything you think is interesting and useful. Note: More content usually provides more information, but too much can take away from your article.
- Send your article to kaitlyn@camptrip.com along with your name, a short description about you (about 1-2 sentences), and your website/blog (if you have one).
- We publish it. Once we receive it we may edit it slightly and then send you an e-mail letting you know when it will be published on the CampTrip site.
Thank you for sharing your outdoor knowledge and experiences with us. We look forward to reading your article and making it available to everyone who is passionate about the outdoors.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at kaitlyn@camptrip.com.
-The CampTrip Team